photos: portraits of Sara at ORM park!

Nov 13, 2009 02:11

My awesome singer/songwriter friend Sara Crawford wanted some portraits taken, so I volunteered :D We went to a nearby park at midday under an overcast sky and the light was SO gorgeous. The trail was washed out so we couldn't go where I'd initially planned but I think we ended up with better photos because of it. I can't even express how much fun it was to have someone volunteer to be in front of my camera, hee! and they turned out so lovely. There's at least 39 that I love and at least 15 that I LOOOOOVE! And Sara said I could share them, YAY! Also ze's giving me a copy of zir album (coming out December 15th) in exchange :D








































(how do I still not have a photography icon????)

photos, art -- photography, sara

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