photos: visiting the Big Trees Forest Preserve solo (oct 1) and with justben (oct 25)

Oct 27, 2009 04:34

This is two sets of photos -- the first was taken when I went to Big Trees Forest Preserve alone on the 1st, and the second was taken on the 25th when I visited with Ben for the first time. The first set is small, mostly self-portraits, and pales in comparison to the second but I edited them so I'm sharing them anyway, dammit.

Efaniburl ♥


(these earrings are my latest creation)




still intoxicatingly green


and still warm enough for a spaghetti top and thin duster



mm, sunbathing


(I love how my chin hairs are all lit up :D)





endlessly photographing my lil serpent friend


moss has always fascinated me


I love the curve of the leaf here




the paths are so magical


with my friend who finally gave me zir name -- Kefentiasûl.




unexpected beauty


am SO proud of this one.



Going to Big Trees with Ben was a revelation. As we walked through, we were together, but loosely; ze was comfortable with me wandering off a bit and also wandered a bit zirself, and even when physically separated there was a strong sense of connection. When sharing a sacred space with someone previously, I've had two experiences -- either I am 'leading' and they're sort of reliant on me to open the way for them, or they have a separate experience in the same space. I've never felt that sort of open and free connection before and it's amazing!

But the most thrilling and beautiful part was that I saw it all with a depth that I hadn't before. Ze noticed things I didn't and shared them with me! (usually the other either doesn't share, or doesn't notice things I haven't (or both)) I love that so much! It was so incredibly inspiring for me both emotionally and creatively; this set of photos is BY FAR my best, and quite a few of my favorites were of things that Ben pointed out to me. I'm delighted with how ze sees (and even more with how ze shares) ♥


I'm amused by this 'cause I've never seen this light flare pattern before and Ben and I are both red souls so it seems strangely portrait-ish.


the leaves are just starting to turn



gazing up


Ben & Efaniburl


an angle I'd never seen before 'cause for some strange reason I've not walked around the trees, but approached from the same spot every time -- didn't realize this until Ben DID walk around.


ohhh *shivers* I love this one so much





Ben glows!




ze was in the middle of telling me a story here and I've completely forgotten what it was because I was so enchanted (and therefore distracted) by the smiling and gesturing that accompanied it. oops!


the caretakers of BTFP had taken this stump and placed it artfully on the side of the trail. I can't even express how much I love that they not only noticed its strange beauty but took care to find the right place to display it. It's balanced there but not rooted; it came from nowhere near.


I love the varied leaves in this photo


"come look at this!"


and this is what ze was pointing at.



(on the other side of the bridge)



one of my favorites ♥




this one was kinda accidental but I love it!



ohhh the roots here ♥ this tree is so magnificently tenacious.


Ben showed me this -- I love it so much I plan to get a print!


and this caught my eye just as I was starting to feel like I wasn't noticing anything for myself, heh.






♥! this one feels like a heart-portrait to me, with the colors





I didn't capture this as well as I'd hoped but it looked as if the water was just glowing there, not lit up from an outside source.


looking up at my friend Kefentiasûl


who is caressed by a nearby friend (shortly after this photo, I hugged Kefentiasûl and Ben came up behind me and hugged both me and the tree ♥ It was SUCH a wonderful feeling.)


I love the colors here


Ben has such GORGEOUS eyes, gold and cinnamon, so rich and warm and intense.


we stopped for coffee afterward and I snuck a photo through the window while ordering my coffee :D


Ben CHOSE to sit facing the sun so that I wouldn't have to look into it! (it was too cold to sit in the shade) That was so amazingly thoughtful and generous -- it completely overwhelmed me.


big trees forest preserve, love, photos, art -- photography, magic, trees, hope, nature, joy

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