localtribe photos & video clips!

Oct 21, 2009 18:23

Starred people are ones I missed getting photos of or got too-dark or too-blurry photos. :-p

September 14th

this photo cracks me up! Both Ash & Ben are talking with their hands ;-)


Viv in awesome sunglasses (a gift from me, hee) -- and Brandon in the background. I kinda love that ze's blurred because it seems like that's the only appropriate sort of photo of Brandon.


and now the glasses got passed around for everyone to pose in :D


*giggles* Ben is so CUTE!


how Ash manages to look equal parts evil and uber-cutesy I have no idea


(but I think the evil wins out!)


with much cajoling Anita agreed to pose


to fantastic effect :D


Saleena in the most ridiculous hat ever!


I love Ash's lil smirk






September 17th

Saleena laughing with surprise and Brigit being anti-social :-p


see, this is what you miss when you don't pay attention at PAGE.


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(does anyone know of a good free program which one can use to combine/edit videos?)


Saleena and my favorite Applebees server whose name I've forgotten again.


Josh, ethereal Paul, and Saleena


Ben & Ash (this was the night that Ben and I held hands *giggles*)


September 19th

Shel and I from the pink-themed breast cancer benefit ze held. Yes I wore pink even if it looks a bit plummy here.


September 24th

Sara performing at a show that Viv and I went to (I love zir solo stuff!)


(I just realized that there was a huge gap in my photo-taking surrounding the move, which I find a little disturbing for some strange reason)

October 17th

Shel and Amber in the corn maze on Shel's birthday weekend :D


this was my favorite part... I love the way this looks.


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the party blower didn't want to make noise but Shel wasn't having any of that.


October 18th

at the Chastain Park Arts Festival -- doesn't blue hair SO SUIT Ash? it's temporary but ze's considering going permanent with it.


unintentional posing :D


♥ ♥ ♥


shel, videos, arizona, photos, viv, ashe, hope, localtribe, sara

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