photopost! Viv playing guitar, Viv & I visiting Ash for a week, lil sis visiting too.

Aug 12, 2009 00:51

photos now, words later ;-)

This set is from July 17th, when Viv and I went and got new guitar strings and then ze played for Mare & me & a neighbor who happened by.







I love the shapes in this


and I love the composition of this


these two are from when Viv performed at open mic night at Outwrite


(wish I'd taken a video!)


July 30th -- lil sis & Ash & I go out for coffee at the Daily Grind


we laughed a lot :D


I think Ash was looking skeptical about lil sis' claim that ze doesn't flirt.


after coffee we went to the Thursday night pagan meeting and then picked up Viv and went to Taco Mac with the group. Hilariously inappropriate conversation ensued -- we scared the waiter a bit I think! Ze was convinced we were all drunk. ;-)

Saleena, Paul, & Viv


hee, bad photo but the little bit you can see of Viv's expression is so cute!


August 1st, Ash & lil sis & I went to coffee and then to the drum circle, which was a bit disappointing to me -- I just couldn't get into it (dunno if it was the energy of the place or my own stuff). Lil sis introduced me (under protest) to this cute (but probably underage) person in white feathered wings and a jester's hat and glow sticks after I exclaimed over how I loved the ensemble. Lil sis doesn't take "I don't feel like it" seriously (sometimes I'm in the mood to talk to strangers and sometimes I'm not!). But I didn't mind.

Ash was so adorable!


can't remember why Ash was chasing lil sis but I love this photo :D


August 4th -- Ash, Viv, Stuart, & I went to the Clay Cafe pagan meeting and I took a lot of photos in the car :D


I loooooooooooove the patterns my hair made with the wind and sunlight!


doesn't Viv have such pretty hands?





burt's bees lip shimmer = luv


my chin hairs = luv :D


I loooooove this one! the colors are just so incredible. If I could paint, I'd paint this. I love how the sunlight turns black to golden blue.



spying on Viv & Ash


this is Ash's "what the fuck are you on about" face.


and this is zir "listening respectfully even though you're pissing me off" face.


and that would be the person inspiring those looks, heh. I'll just say that I don't enjoy zir company, especially after the anti-feminist 'jokes' ze shared that night.


August 7th -- we got all dressed up and went out to Le Buzz, a gay club/bar where I got drunk for the first time ever (on two drinks) ;-p and danced with strangers for the first time ever! and found something 'normal' to be fun for the first time ever, haha! It's not something I'd wanna do all the time, but I think I'll wanna go again.


I didn't get any good photos of my outfit, but I was HOTTTTT -- my cleavage did that diamond-shape thing that I've coveted ever since I saw it on someone else (I'll try to get an illustrative photo next time) and my hips were so perfectly accented by the gathering I put in the side seam of the shirt. I hurried with my makeup though, thinking we were going to leave earlier, so I didn't make it as interesting as it could have been :-p


these photos are crappy because the lighting was bad and I'm out of practice with self-portraits. But look! the green in my eyes looks rust-colored here.


*fans self*


the lighting doesn't do justice to Viv's makeup -- it was VIBRANT and awesome!


crooked smiles are so charming ;-)


I LOVE this one! so much!


as much as I'm not a pink OR polka dots person, I like how that top looks on Viv >;D


I am seriously coveting that silver-blue shimmer, yum. Ash, what's the brand name again?


I love Ash's makeup design and almost wish my eyes were rounder so it'd work on me!


so cute!


dreadfully blurry but the best shot of the outfit


hee hee




August 9th we had a lazy morning and I got to take photos of Viv's eyes ♥

blue hazel ♥






a forest and an ocean all at once


lil sis being cute


lil sis being cute and annoyingly camera-shy


sleepy Ash


omfg, most adorable photo ever!


photos, art -- photography, viv, dancing, ashe, risk-taking, drumming, ace, localtribe

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