PJ Harvey concert / new shelf and rearranged books!

Jun 11, 2009 19:00

I recently went to see the PJ HARVEY in concert! (Sara went with me, which made it so much more fun ;-)) I was really disappointed that ze was doing all songs from zir collaborations with J. Parish -- I had never heard either of those albums so I didn't know ANY of the songs (so they didn't mean anything to me (yet), unlike most of zir solo songs). But it was still incredible to see zir perform because ze has the most AMAZING stage presence! Some singer/songwriters are singers first and storytellers second -- PJ Harvey is a storyteller who happens to use singing to tell zir stories. A few hundred years ago I could so see zir as a shaman of some kind, one who told stories to teach lessons and sang all of zir magics. I've never seen someone so utterly unconcerned with the audience -- ze could just as easily have been by zirself if you judged by the lack of self-consciousness. And so humble! Ze still seemed a little surprised when people would applaud, and said "thank you" in this quiet, pleased way.

(the photos in this post are all rather bad quality because the lighting was so variable at the concert and consistently blah inside my flat. But thanks to Ialu they're at least viewable!)



ze was so expressive and swishy!


this one captures zir attitude the best.


I love this one despite the blurgrain, 'cause it looks painterly to me.




do you get the sense of eerie intensity that I do from this one?


The sound is not so good, so if it bugs you, watch this on silent -- it shows the intensity and fierceness that I love so much.

image Click to view


I bought a new shelf (for $8.88 at goodwill :D) and rearranged all my books! It was about time, as I had two knee-high stacks of books with no home. Now I have actual space! and I know where things are, for the first time in ages.

one set of already-read books (that weird poky thing is the handlebar of the healthrider)


top shelf: to-be-read tall fiction
middle shelf: to-be-read mass market paperback fiction
bottom shelf: already-read mixed books, with a few not-yet-reads thrown in (I just realized that :-p)


already-read oversized books/albums (except "Secrets Of The Great Pyramid")


next down -- to-be-read spirituality, death experiences, & non-fiction about children.


next down -- to-be-read animals, nature, and how-to divination/spirituality.


bottom shelf -- to-be-read feminism, psychology, anti-racism, social-commentary-autobiography, hypnotherapy, gender, egypt, & queerness. (I've started about 8 of these)


top shelf: favorite fiction-in-a-paperback-series
bottom shelf: favorite standalones and tall books


favoritest, unsorted. This shelf is part of a secondary altar -- many of these books have deeply changed me, and I consider them my holy books. I need to rearrange though; I couldn't decide whether I wanted to sort by how much I love the books or how much I love the authors, so it's sorta haphazard (some of my sacred books are on the black shelf in the previous photo).

Hannah got me those candles and the little stack of cards are Michael Whelan trader cards which I intend to use as bookmarks but haven't because I wanted to sort them in order of favorites and then put them in my favorite books so that my #1 book has my #1 card and so on. I'm going to have to be a little less structured about it if I want it to ever get done ;-)

my to-be-read books -- if you have read any of these, tell me what you think!
(some of these I actually HAVE read, but it was so long ago that I don't remember them well enough to 'count')

books, photos, sara, music

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