christmas presents! miracles and used books

Dec 28, 2006 17:26

Christmas 2006

magic! ♥

magical foyer

Christmastree 2006

fabulous Christmassy elya!

Sam, Natty, Sadie, Mr. Ben -- I love Sam's expression!

Natty, Sadie, Mr. Ben

Miss K, elya, Saundra -- and JJ isn't in any of the photos because he took the job of handing out presents and was moving too much for any photos.

blurry (sadly that's all I ever get) my partner

and my loot! XD I am still so thrilled about this ♥ ♥ ♥ Oh what the hell, I'll "show not tell":

3 torey hayden books!!!
why miraculous? because Miss K gave me (and my partner) credit at a used book store as a present, and we went there day after Christmas and they had the LAST THREE Torey Hayden books, the only ones I didn't have!!!!!!!! 'coincidences' like this are why it's easy for me to believe in God/dess and the power of the unseen. just holy wonder, seriously. I exclaimed over the miracle and my partner was all 'yeah that's great' but Miss K agreed with me as I gushed over how fabulous her present was. Miracles don't have to save someone's life, sometimes they're just God/dess's way of showing you love.

my hayden (non-fiction) collection is complete ♥ (I have One Child too but it's at my 'rents house)

and I took that photo with my BRAND NEW TRIPOD from my partner!

so exciting! it's all fancy-fancy and tall! I can't wait to use it for real.

and he also got me this silver dragonfly necklace! it has my favorite dragonfly wing shape -- it may bot be anatomically accurate but I like pointy wings on dragonflies.

and a gorgeous dragonfly pin! I love the wing patterns! I put it on my spirituality plant for the photo. ;-) (which seriously needs dusting)

That would be Twilight Children, Beautiful Child, and Just Another Kid by Torey Hayden; the Journeys of the Catechist series by Alan Dean Foster; 3 Acorna series novels by Anne McCaffery & Elizabeth Scarborough; Song Of Sorcery by Elizabeth Scarborough; Mara, an Ancient Egyptian historical fiction; Does It Matter? a philosophical book; A Tagore Reader, a Rabindranath Tagore collection!!!!! with that fabulous old book richness of pages and scent; Born To Rebel, a novel on the psychology of birth order; RAMSES: Son of Light, an Ancient Egyptian historical fiction, another miraculous find, very very very hard to find and usually expensive, 'just happens' to be the one I wanted the most! by Christian Jacq; The Debt, an Angela Hunt novel; Silk Road, a historical fiction set in China; and a book of Native American legends!!!  Half of these are from one used book store where I dumped off my Piers Anthony novels (now that I'm a little more aware, his sexism overwhelms his talent and I just can't stand him anymore) and the other half are from the credit that Miss K gave me. ;-)

also got Darren Hayes' Spin, Heather Nova's South, PJ Harvey's To Date promo disc, Lifehouse's No Name Face, No Doubt's Rock Steady, and the Mr. Deeds and School Of Rock DVDs, from Miss K's credit!

I love love love used books. If they cost the same I'd still prefer a used book over a new one. Used ones have a history, and if they're a powerful book then they have absorbed the emotion of another reader, which heightens my own emotion in reading it. I feel like I am experiencing the book along with the former reader. And if they're old in addition to being used, they have that old book smell that is an emotional aphrodisiac to any bibliophile. The only way I ever buy a new book is if I can't find a used copy or I need it in a tearing hurry. Or if I'm getting it as a present for someone who doesn't feel the same way about used books, heh.

b - ex-partner, deities, photos, elya, christmas, giving, ex-in-laws, books

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