the main characters in the story of my life

Sep 01, 2003 08:30

This is a 'reference guide' to the people I talk about the most. I'm wanted to type this up both for my people page and to link to in my userinfo, so new friends aren't too confused.


My tall, medium-dark, and incredibly handsome husband. But I didn't fall in love with him because of his looks, believe it or not. Nimajn is one of the most passionate people I've met -- intense in everything he loves; me, writing, computer gaming (mainly C.S.), reading, drawing, songwriting, and playing guitar. He's fairly reserved with most people, very cautious, but not exactly introverted. He can communicate fairly easily and comfortably, he just doesn't have much interest in most people. He's very analytical and loves strategy -- he plays Axis and Allies (a 10-hour strategy board game) about once a month, and loves playing chess. I'm very analytical too, but I like analyzing people and ideas, not how to defeat an opponent in a game. He's also crazy about computers & plays counter-strike a lot. Fortunately for our marriage, he spends a good amount of time with me. The best thing about him is that he's humble. He's not a wimp or a pushover -- that isn't what humble means. He's willing to admit when he's wrong and change, and that's a pretty amazing thing. He has a semi-wicked sense of humor, but he's very compassionate -- I have to be careful when talking about people who are hurting, because he feels their pain so deeply. He's trustworthy; if he says he's going to do something, he'll go through hell to make sure it gets done, and he's very honest. (admittedly, he never wants to cause me harm, so if he thinks I won't like his answer, he'll make me drag it out of him -- but he doesn't lie) He adores me; he thinks everything I do and am is fascinating. And of course, he's very skillful and loving in bed. What more can you ask for?

Spencer & Paula

Spencer and Paula are a couple with whom I lived for a year, chauffeuring/mentoring their kids (Gabe and William) in exchange for room and board. Living with them taught me what family is like -- they accepted me as I was, loved me, and helped me in any way they could. They're my spiritual parents, though they might not know that. Paula I love because she is vibrant, cheerful, and intensely loving, and she honestly cares about me. Spencer I love because he is the best father I've ever known -- he and Paula both had children from previous relationships, and he took her son, Gabe, into his heart and loved him every bit as much as William, his biological son. He shows absolutely no preference -- and that amazes me. I also love him because he trusted me almost immediately (when someone gives me their trust I feel immensely grateful, especially if I hold them in high esteem), and because he supported me and showed interest in my jewelry business -- just because it was important to me.


Allison is an extremely talented artist with a brilliant mind. Her energy is contagious, and I love being around her because she gives me a fresh love for life, and she's very inspiring. After being around her I either want to dance or write -- her creativity just flows all over the place! For some reason some people find her tiring -- my theory on this is that they are boring people whose creativity is buried so deep that being around her only stirs up frustration at their state of stagnancy. Allison's also fairly open-minded, despite being raised in a very "proper" household. I haven't spent much time with her over the past few years, 'cause she's in FL most of the time for school. I miss her.


I love this girl so much it makes me cry. Why? Because we were just beginning an incredible friendship when several terrible things happened to her at once, and she decided being deep was too painful for her right now. That's her perogative, and I'm just sad that we lost something precious right after we found it. She's a deep, passionate person, who is intense in everything she does, and she doesn't commit half-way. She's a talented singer/songwriter and dancer, an artist in every sense of the word. We had so many things in common in our history -- absentee/abusive fathers, being forced to parent our siblings, etc. -- and we understood each other. And we were alike in small ways too -- we both love horseback riding, the color purple, beta fish, singing… She was completely open and honest with me after we decided to be close, and we bonded so deeply that within four months of first meeting her, I asked her to be one of my bridesmaids. I still have confidence that we'll be close friends eventually -- I just don't know how long it will be until she decides that she wants that. Hopefully before either of us has kids, so I can be 'Aunt Kristen.'


My heart-sister (also Nimajn's cousin), Kristy and I are alike in so many ways. I love her 'cause she shares my love of f.r.i.e.n.d.s (the show) and skinnydipping; she's passionate; she's got a sense of humor that will make me laugh until my tummy hurts and I have a headache from lack of oxygen; she's a physical touch person; she loves the color purple; and she's just fuckinawesome. Plus, she thinks I'm very intelligent (for some reason, around her my vocabulary tends to jump a few syllables). Unfortunately she lives in FL, but that's changing as soon as she graduates from college, or I'm woman-napping her. I mean it!


This is my little brother. He's one of the most godly, honest, and good-hearted people I've ever known, and while he has his flaws (being the only child of an overly protective single mom will give you those) he is unique among every other teenage boy I've ever met in that, when confronted about a bad habit or other problem, he will be honestly sorry and try to change. (and he's been like that since I met him when he was sixteen!) He thinks of me as his older sister, and turns to me for advice sometimes, which makes me feel so trusted. He's grown up so much in the past few years... I'm so proud of him. He's off to South Carolina for college... I miss him.


Nimajn's twin, my friend -- tall, kindhearted and very innocent. She's one of the most encouraging people I've ever met -- I don't think I've ever heard her say a negative word about anyone, though she has admitted to a mild dislike for certain people. If I make her sound sweet and vanilla, that's cause she is -- and not a tiny bit of it is fake. I don't think elya is capable of being fake.


My best friend for a long time, also Nimajn's younger sister. We were very close for years, called each other every day, told each other everything... but then I moved, and we both felt deserted by the other, and we drifted apart. We've also just changed, and we have very little in common now. I think we're starting to develop a new kind of relationship now, but I'm not sure what it is yet.

Angelina Jolie
You may say it's impossible to love someone you know only through hearsay -- but saying so would prove you don't know what my love is like. I love Angelina because she is a passionate woman who loves deeply, and she's not afraid of being herself under the gaze and censure of everyone. She gets tattoos because she loves them and they mean something to her -- despite the fact that tattooed women are disdained in this culture. She talks about her choices in romance -- despite the fact that it will cause the majority of her culture to at least look on her as 'weird' if not shun her outright. She wore a vial of her lover's blood rather than a wedding ring, despite the fact that most people see that as morbid and gross. She adopts children of other races and cultures -- despite the close-minded majority who accuse her of causing distress to the children by putting them among another race. I imagine she must hate racism and believe she can make a difference this way. All of this shows how much Angelina believes in herself. Living according to her rules of honesty and courage is more important to her than having people approve. I love and admire that in her, and I'd give a lot to be able to help her in some way.

the 'rents

The 'rents -- P & M (my parents) and K & B (Nimajn's parents). Out of these folk I probably talk about M the most, 'cause he's the one I clash with the most. I've never been close to my biological family, but Nimajn's mom has called me her 'other daughter' for years. My parents live in PA, Nimajn's parents live five minutes away. (both of those are good things)

S and lil sis
My biological siblings. S's eighteen, out of high school and working, and lil sis's eleven. While growing up, I avoided my siblings whenever possible, so I don't really know much about them. I'm trying to get more involved in lil sis's life now, but she lives five states away and she's ten years younger than me, so that's hard.

b - ex-partner, allison, rebecca, kristy, wynnes, my tribe, angelina, elya, ex-in-laws, life story, kaylene

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