Speaking of chocolate, yesterday
the_dark_snack and I went to the state "Tourism Media Marketplace" where various tourist bureaus and attractions had tables where they would entice us with flyers and goodies, some of which were candies made in their respective places.
Meanwhile, at LJ Idol, last week was a non-elimination contestant-only vote in which people who are not me won nifty virtual prizes. My entry was
this piece for "The Straw that Stirs the Drink" done in conjunction with
alycewilson, whose entry is linked therein and follows what happens in mine.
This week you, yes YOU, have the opportunity to help make my icon here from last season come true for this season.
I wrote this entry, on the topic "The Weak Force" and now it is in
this poll through Thursday night. Voting open to everyone on LJ -- come one, come all!