Amazing how wild they're getting in New Orleans for
spydielives 's birthday!
There is also a Mardi Gras happening, so I'll be getting my Cajun on at
Papa Roux for lunch.
The good times rollin' hit a snag over the weekend.
the_dark_snack and I were the last ones out of the church Saturday night after the CoJ* meeting, with our friend Mike who we were giving a ride, since we were the keyholders and I had to enter the alarm code when locking up.
(*Circle of Janus, local sci-fi club)
As I came out of the building, with our car the last one in the lot, I heard the sqeeee of air escaping one of the tires. Well darn. So we got out the spare donut tire and proceeded to try to remove the flat.
One of the lugnuts absolutely WOULD NOT BUDGE. Whoever had last put that rim on had overtorqued the nut and my wrench was starting to strip the edges. As it happened, a neighbor walked by and he said he worked on cars and had some better tools. The stubborn lugnut destroyed a socket and snapped a wrench before we finally got it loose. Freakiest thing. But at least we got Mike home and, after getting something to eat at a 24-hour grocery, went home ourselves.
So, on a Sunday, I have to get the tire fixed. Turns out major tire places in Indy are open to 5 p.m. on Sundays, so that's good. But the local Wal-Marts didn't have any tires in my size (it's so popular that it sells out quickly) and the Firestone place said I should leave the tire there and they'd get around to looking at it on Monday. So I went to Tires Plus, which had my size, and would have it done that afternoon.
Adding irony to injury, we had been presuming that since we've been doing the Naptown Slalom the past few days with literally every street plagued with craters (the city says it's the worst pothole season in over 20 years; since it looks sadly typical to me, that must mean it's affecting the rich neighborhoods now), we've been presuming that one of those street-divots was to blame for the flat. Nope. It was a nail, stuck right where the tread meets the sidewall, so we had to replace rather than fix.
The mechanic assured me that the lugnuts were put back on at 80 foot-pounds, not too tight for the lugwrench that came with the car.