Aug 30, 2007 09:54
Good news world: WE'RE ALL MORNING PEOPLE!!!
I've noticed that, since getting my new schedule at work, I'm actually pretty functional in the mornings. Now, I hate getting up. I will hit snooze as much as humanly possible. I do not want to get out of bed - be it 6am or 1pm. But... when I do drag my ass out of bed? Let me get myself together: 10 minutes or so to brush my teeth, get dressed, pull up my hair and maybe put on some make up. Hand me a cup of coffee. Within 15 minutes of rolling out of bed I am coherent, alert and (generally) pretty happy. Even at 6am.
My beau, however, is a grumpy bug (it's a nick jr. reference, forgive me: I babysat a lot lol). He says he's a morning person... if he's a morning person I would HATE to see who he thinks isn't a morning person. In addition to the "I don't want to get out of bed" mentality we share, he's quiet, broody, and all around anti-social the first 30+ minutes after gaining consciousness. Now, this doesn't bother me. It's ok not to be a morning person. What's not so cool is to not be a morning person and claim that you are a morning person. As a friend of mine said "that's a morning poser" haha. I told him today that I was revoking his claims of being a morning person. He, true to grumpy bug form, said "no, no.... I'm a morning person". And as I stared at him in disbelief he uttered the best thing I've ever heard:
"A morning person is defined as someone who likes to be awake when the sun is up"
I told him I'd be quoting him. Don't know if he knew I was talking about quoting him on here, but that's too good not to share with the world. So, got it folks? Unless you live in Alaska during the "dark months" or you're a vampire, you... Yes, YOU.... are a morning person too :)