forgive me journal for i have sinned

Feb 03, 2007 08:32

ok.. so its been a year or there abouts since my last confession, how crap is that??? my sister has recently come back to LJ after a long sebatical and so i figured, maybe i'd see if can keep up the pace with her etc.....

anyhoo it's no fun for me to relay all the shite that's gone on in the last year so hereforth is some bullet points about some of the news i can think of...

1) i got into university! i know, im shocked too, but after some firm affirmation talks with myself about how i CAN do it blah blah, i studied and sat relevant entrance exams and low and behold, have been offered a place to study registered nursing which im hoping to maybe post grad into midwifery... anyhoo, uni starts in early march so im shitting bricks just a tad anticipating the essays im going to have to write, i can't write for shit..
2) Liv started kindy!!! my god, my baby girl is now in school. The first day was a bit traumatic, from both her and me, and it wasnt that she wasn't used to being left all day, i mean she's been in all day day care since she was 6 months old, it's just that she didn't know the 'new place'... anyhoo, she did a half day and now can't wait to go back.. phew! i do have some pix of her in her school uniform but i need to relearn how to do cuts!!!
3) My bro and sis-in-law and sister all returned home from the UK for good! yay!!! my bro and SIL returned mid july and purchased a property just up the road from us. Like literally 10 min walk... very cool. And my sister surprised us with her return two days before xmas which was way cool.. so all the family is home again.. yay!
4)i had my first ever bout of surgery, after some really bad and i mean really bad attacks of biliary colic (gall stones) and acute cholecystitis, i went in and had my gall bladder removed just three weeks ago.. lets just say, the pain was bad, i didn't expect it to be so bad, but i guess abdo surgery is always going to seem worse as anything you do - sneeze, cough, shit etc, involves using those muscles.... anyhoo, well on the mend now, pain free and feeling alot better...
5)Still working at hospital three days a week, and still hating it
6)got us a plasma tv.. oh my god, so big, so pretty, oh and massive stainless steel fridge and matching microwave, very noice
7)clint totally renovated the back lawned area, it now has two lovely limestone retaining garden beds with red and green cordylines in them and all new lawn, all the trees are gone, makes it look so much more modern and open and bigger. The neighbours over the back finally cut back the massive tree that was growing into our yard but it still drops heaps of leaves into our yard which sux majorly!
8)got a new car back in april, after my beautiful vectra which i loved so much had a major oil problem which was going to cost nearly 3 grand to fix and wasn't covered by the extended warranty (surprise surprise) clint was done with it, much to my dismay, i loved that car, and i moved up to a true family beast in the form of a honda CRV. Its much bigger than the vectra which has been handy now that we have the two little peeps, but i do miss the zippy vectra..
9)one of my best buddies paula gave birth finally to a little girl Thalia Rose after 3 failed ivf attempts and the loss of two babies and two fallopian tubes after ectopic pregnancies (one after the other)so that is all very good news.. and she's a great mother..My other bestie jodie found out last week she is also expecting, finally, i dont think i have any friends who are childless... i definitely don't want any more kiddles tho, im DUN!
10)My third bestie kate took me away for a four day break with her long time girlfriends who are now all my buddies too down south - no kids, no husbands, just five girls having a good time, anyway, it was soo good, that im now a fully fledged GWA (girls weekend away) member and we are already going on our second one next thursday down south again, can not wait as after all the stress of the uni stuff and my gall bladder surgery i definitely need a break and some ME time...
11)My grandfather and my uncle arrive today from melbourne for a weeks visit... i haven't seen them since i was just pregnant with Liv so it will be nice, also, my other uncle died minutes after Millar was born so it'll be nice for them to meet him. We are going out for dinner tonite to the local tavern (best meals ever, im going the pork ribs with ginger and garlic rice i think) to celebrate my gramps 77th birthday..
12) Clint and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. We are so clever to last that long!!! i luv him and his ever expanding waist line more every year....
13)Clint finally got his race license, he is now a motorcyle racer.. maybe we can start getting back some money weve outlayed to get him geared up when he wins some races!!!!

I think that is about all the bigish events i can think of.. it's stinking hot in perth at the moe, it's been up around 38c for over a week now, today they are predicting 41c ( i think thats over 100 for you american folk)so the airconditing has been getting a beating as has the swimming pool! thank god for these comforts, i don't know how peeps with no air con survive.. i dont know how i did without it!!! Shrek is on in our house as i type this again, i know this movie off by heart as liv watches it 2-3 times a day!!!!

Both the kids are quite good in the pool now, liv goes about things on her own just with two arm floaties on and millar jumps in by himself as long as your there to catch him. they both LUV going in the pool and im glad they are coming along with their swimming.
ok.. well thats about it for me.. i must go get some washing done and on the line before it hits simmering outside...

will endeavour to not make this a one off!!! riva!
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