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Feb 13, 2006 20:09

now, don't all go freakin out on me coz im updating! Its been tough to get me here i can promise you.

Anyhoo, so ive been back at work for 4 weeks now and it has been anything but joyful.. without boring you with the deets, the place was a fricken shambles, unbelieveable amounts of outstanding work and so i've been working overtime +++ to get it sorted.. in the end, after much stress, i decided to complain and managed to get me a buttload of help.. finally, things are lookin up.... hence, my lack of visiting LJ land.

Also, it's been tough getting my ass sorted with that extra person to deal with and working again. you don't realise how much time that extra little bod takes!!!!! but again, im managing to fine tune it all and hopefully, as, unless i win lotto, this is my lot, things will iron themselves out and i'll be sorted and routined soon!

Clintox has been outstanding in helping me readjust to life as a working mum!

Kids are fine, infact, in just 8 weeks, they will be 3 and 1 years old!!!!!!!!!!!! holy muther fucker!!! Have decided to do a joint party in teh form of a sausage sizzle at the local open space which has a massive playground and great shaded areas for all their little friends. That way, i dont have to deal with teh stress of a dirty house when everyone goes after a kiddies party!

Millar has settled brilliantly into life as a daycare child and liv seems to be a lot happier there now with him alongside her.. its costing us a small fortune though, some weeks 300 bux!!!! that's our mortgage payment for shites sakes.. roll on school i tells ya.

Millar has also finally cut his first tooth, while im happy he finally has some, (coz liv was 6 months when she got her first, he was nearly 10 months.. bloody slack male!! ) im also sad because he is growing up and i am losing my baby. Since he is my last bub, i don't want him to go too fast! He also started crawling about 6 weeks or so ago and is going like the clappers, he's always in teh bathroom pulling all the toilet rolls to bits.. must remember to close the door! He has also started to pull himself up on all the furniture.. he is soooo cute!!

Livvy, well she is just gorgeous too, growing so quick and amazing me every day with something new and grown up like.. my camera has crapped itself so no pix for now.'

Anyhoo, i have teh house to myself as they are both well and truely asleep and clint wont be home for another hour or so, so im off to do the dinner dishes and enjoy some good teev in peace..

will endevour to come back soon!
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