To all my LJ friends and to those who would happen to pass by I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Joy, peace and courage for us all!
I've been literally off line for a while. I'm back in Brittany for a few days, it's still raining, rivers are overflowing, that's really spectacular. I nearly ran over a huge gigantic coypu, I thought I had killed him and was absolutely shocked but I came back and checked and apparently the poor animal had arrived safety at the other side of the road into an other swamp. Ouf !
I have gone to Paris for some errands and I took the opportunity for some shopping : what a delight to come back to a civilized world! I bought a pretty silk scarf for a friend reaching her 80th winter this day . It will be a complete surprise for her.
I have realized that a neighbour wouldn't support me in some nasty affair I am literally sick about but she didn't mind to receive help from me about her daughter, that a relative of mine put me in an awkward position vis à vis my aunt and uncle when keeping secret the death of her cousin during a family meal, that I was nearly insulted by someone, accused of doing something I have precisely endured for years from this person... I think I am too open and rather tolerant a person and people take easily advantage of it and I don't know how to change that. It must be too late for this. Anyway, if I believed in good resolutions it would be a given ground to work on for the year to come !
I've got bills to pay, papers to put in order, people to write, works in my home to do, some things to straighten out... and one litlle individual with four legs who isn't there anylonger. My heart, where are you dear, how has it been possible? I miss you.
P.S.: I'm absolutely stunned by the overwelhming presence of ads in what seems to be my new LJ. A diverted way to persuade people to get a paid account without ads?