Nov 20, 2010 21:54
Title: Anne's Magical Wares and Charms
Characters: Suzuki Anne, Ninomiya Kazunari
Location: Anne's Magical Wares and Charms - 217 Mulberry Street
Week: Week 13 Saturday, November 20th 10:24am
Rating: PG
Warnings: None! :Db
Anne sat behind the polished counter of her shop, flipping through one of her best-loved spell books. While the spells were more geared toward witches and warlocks, she'd found a great hobby in modifying them to work with her own magic. There were notations in the margins, mostly in English but with a bit of Gaelic thrown in. She didn't know too much, considering her father had only taught her the necessities before he left, but there were times when the Irish Gaelic just seemed more appropriate than English to use.
She'd had a few customers, though mostly humans intrigued by the new shop ran by a girl with pink, glittery wings. They fluttered behind her, and she stretched them out along with her back. She knew things would be fairly slow at first - her friend had warned her that it would take some time for the magical community to warm up to the new shop. Too often stores opened selling fake or just horrible wares. She'd need to build some business by word of mouth, and it would simply take some time.
Closing the spell book, Anne slipped from her stool and began walking around her shop - mostly trying to get blood back into her legs but also to tidy up just a bit from the previous customer.
c: ninomiya kazunari,
r: pg,
*week 13,
c: suzuki anne,
status: complete