*Warning - girly stuff this paragraph... I took my dress to the seamstress this morning, and she's really great, so I think that will go well. I also bought a bra that's more the light tan or flesh color of the dress, so a white one won't stand out. I thought for sure I was going to just have to deal with a white one, but WalMart pulled through for me again. I've been *very* lucky lately, in that I've found a style at WalMart that fits and supports and is only $7 a bra, so I've been able to buy enough so that they don't wear out on me. I can fit it into the grocery budget occasionally and have a perfectly nice bra to wear. Unfortunately, they don't have black in that style, so my black ones still have to be VS, but not bad. Anyway, I found the tan one for $11, so I'm really happy to be able to take care of that.
Okay... on to garden stuff :)
All of my morning was taken up taking care of stuff for the reception and then having lunch with Tom. :) :) :) So, when I got home, I did the dishes and was going to go straight into studying, but I got inspired to work on the backyard for a while. I have to go with it when I notice those feelings because the backyard is a PAIN in the rear. We have wild rose bushes and wild grapes growing in a big wad of thorny mess behind our back fenceline. Yuck. Picture a huge tumbleweed that's made totally of thorny and intertwining vines. Geesh. Just about the worst combination of wild plants to deal with, plus of course the ground cover that's taken over the hill - I don't know enough about plants to tell you what it is. It doesn't look too bad, but if we're going to claim part of that hill for a yard, we need to get rid of it, too. *sigh* Back-breaking work.
Anyway... so I decided to go out & tackle another section of it & got all nice & sweaty, and I decided that since I was already sweating, I might as well see what I could do in the front area (where I started my garden last year with the stuff the office girls got me for my birthday) around the porch. I decided to weed the area that's already established, so that part looks really nice. There's a butterfly bush, some daisies and lilies on that side. The other side didn't get much attention last year. I pooped out before I got to it. :) So, what I decided to do was tackle just a piece of it.
So, I took the border stones that I worked with last year and continued the shape around the trees in the front. Here are pics of the edging bricks I'm using. They're inexpensive ones for now. I'd like to upgrade someday, but for now they're a nice touch to the front area:
When Tom shows me how to use the camera, I'll take pictures of the finished (or semi-finished) product. :) So far, I just have the one side of the porch done and the other side with the edgers in the places they'll go once I weed and dig and all that other stuff. I'm excited about the way it's looking. I'll share pics later.
Okay, so now I'm going to shower and play with my hair to see if I can figure out what to do with it for Sharee's shindig. Okay, ta ta for now. (TTFN) Love to all!