Day 24- A letter to your parents
This post could be about all kinds of things, but I choose to look at the positive (though I'm gonna' try to keep 'em short)! So, here goes...
To Mom: (Loretta-Mom)
Dear Mom,
Thank you so much for all the love you poured into your kids. With you for a mom, I have always felt cherished. You've happily shared hugs and kisses and laughter my whole life, and I am so grateful for that. The very cool things you have passed down to me include, but are not limited to:
- Listen to happy dance music while doing chores
- Happy tears are okay
- Don't give up
- You're a survivor
- You're smart
- You can do anything you set your mind to
- Read! Read! Read!
- Welcome everybody into your home with open arms
- A "home" doesn't have to be spotless to be warm and inviting
- If the conventional method isn't possible, find a new way! (dishes in the tub :) )
- Talking to God can help you through rough times
- Talking to family can help you through rough times
- Be there when people need you
- Share love.
Thank you, Mom! I love you bunches & bunches!! :)
To Dad:
Dear Dad,
Thank you for teaching me manners and values as a kid, and thank you for making religion a fun part of our lives. I will never forget riding the Joy Bus and singing songs on the way to church. Thank you for sharing your love of God with me at such a young age. Thank you for being involved with the church and helping me witness that. Thank you for adding to the development of a love of reading. Thank you for making sure I knew I was valuable to you. Thank you for talking about the tough subjects with me. Thank you for caring what I thought and how I felt. Thank you for valuing me now and making sure that I know that you do.
I love you very much, Dad!
To Mom: (Debra-Mom)
Dear Mom,
Thank you for welcoming all of us kids into your home and your life when you married Dad. Thank you for never letting us see how hard that was or what a pain we were. :) Thank you for teaching me all about being pretty (fixing hair - so fun) and being cool (wearing sunglasses and listening to Wham!). Thank you for all the birthday and holiday cards over the years and for always making room in your budget to give us something, even when you guys were struggling. Thank you for being there when I was in pain and sick every month and helping me find something to lessen it. Thank you for all the fun beach trips and the more recent relaxing Christmas visits. Thank you for loving me as a daughter.
I love you so much and appreciate what you do, Mom!
To Ed: (Loretta-Mom's new husband)
Dear Ed,
Thank you for loving my mom and for making her happy. Thank you for respecting her and valuing the same things she values. Thank you for making her an honest woman (hee hee!) and gettin' hitched. :) Thank you for welcoming all of us into your life and taking care of all the things you do as a new part of our family. Thank you.
We are so happy to have you in our family, Ed!
Okie, that's it for today. :)
Day 01- A recent picture of you & 15 interesting facts about you
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about LiveJournal and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Your favorite song.