Originally published at
Soft Spoken. Please leave any
comments there.
Ok, so I went back to Taber tonight for a few reasons.
- I needed to get some of my bake/cook ware (because I’m actually going to start cooking!!! Be afraid! lol) and my dad couldn’t get to Lethbridge.
- I thought my dad and I could have dinner together since my mom’s in GP for a few days.
- Kasz needed a ride home.
- And I was bored.
So I got home and sat in the living room with my laptop, working on my image library, for my graphic design class, while watching TV and visiting with Meeka and Sadie (they would randomly come up on the couch and stare at me until I gave them some attention, and then they’d go sit somewhere else). Then my dad and I went to Boston Pizza, where Kasz’s wife Brittany was our waitress and my dad kept talking and talking about random stuff to Brittany. Those of you who know my dad, know how much he likes to talk. Anyways, I have some left-overs from dinner! lol. Baked Three Cheese Penne, and Tai Chicken Bites!! Mmmmmmm!!!! Then my dad was smart (well, old…lol) and ordered a salad those Cactus Potato things, I forget what they’re actually called, when he meant to order potato skins. So he’s got lots of left-overs too, which I guess is good since he doesn’t cook much either, and my mom’s not back until like Thursday or Friday. So yeah.
Then I got my Corning Ware and my other baking dishes that I had and when I opened them, I found that the very last Corning Ware dish, that was in the bottom of the box was broken. I think it’s probably too late to exchange the set though because my grandparents bought it for me for my birthday. The date on the gift receipt is January 22, 2007. It sucks because I had never opened them I figured they’d be fine and they were just sitting in the basement waiting for me to move out. I wasn’t even planning to take them until I officially moved out, and I don’t even know when that will be. Frick. But I’m going to try and find out tomorrow if I’ll be able to exchange them or not. Not likely, but it’s worth a shot. So anyways, I got all my stuff into the van and headed back to Lethbridge. I stopped to get something from Amanda first though. Then I’m driving and just after I pass Barnwell (I don’t remember how far it really was past but it was a little ways) I see this white thing on the road. I assumed it was just garbage at first because I had already seen some, or at least I thought it was. But when I got closer and could actually see it in my headlights, I saw feet and realized that it was a chicken. Yes, a CHICKEN!!!! I was like “WHAT THE…?!?!?!?!?!?” It was so weird!!! It was just standing there. It was just outside the solid line. I couldn’t see it’s head or anything though. It was kinda freaky. Then about 30 seconds to a minute later there was another one, even closer to the lane and I could see this one’s head. Again, it was just standing there. I think they must have been confused because it was so dark since I was the only vehicle on that side of the high way so they didn’t go anywhere, or they were asleep, I’m not really sure lol. So I keep driving, still thinking about these two chickens…. and I was like, “k, I need to tell someone!!” I called my dad because I knew he’d still be up (it was about 10:30) and I’m telling him about these two chickens and then I see another one! This one appeared to be dead, it was stretched out on the ground. This one was off on the shoulder of the highway towards the end of the pavement. And I’m like all confused now because I was thinking originally that maybe there was a chicken farm nearby and the first two escaped, and I think that’s what my dad was thinking too because he said something about escapees or something. But this third one was quite a ways past the first two. Then, while we’re still talking, either just before or just after (I was so flustered by all these chicken’s I don’t remember exactly where I was lol) the bridge just past the McCain’s plant and there’s another one, clearly dead, right in the middle of the lane with blood smeared everywhere. Again, this one was quite a ways past the previous one. It was so weird. We decided on the theory that someone was delivering chickens somewhere and they were falling out of the truck lol. I still don’t know for sure if the first two were alive or not. They probably were, since they weren’t lying down lol. But it was the weirdest thing ever!! I still can’t get over it. I’ve never in my life seen chickens on the highway, without being in a truck lol. It was so weird!!! I thought I was going insane. And I see lots of dead animals on the highway, usually like rodent type animals, but not chickens. I should have stopped and tried to take one of the first two home as a pet lol. That would be funny!
But anyways, that’s my story for the night. I’m going to head to bed now, even though I don’t have class until 2:00 tomorrow.