bat's out of the bag

Jun 13, 2008 17:46

Alright, so the Mulder and I just finished talking.  Here's what he told me.  Take it with a shaker of salt though, because I'm not sure how far we can trust this guy, and also I'm not sure I trust ME anymore.  I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm myself, and one would think if I was being influenced I'd be feeling a lot less hostile right now.  On the other hand, they really are vampires, so they might be able to do weird mind control stuff and are just playing it subtle.  EDIT:  Mulder says if he was really controlling my mind my spelling would improve.  Mulder is an ass.

Right, I'm stalling.  So apparently they're really vampires.  As in honest-to-god, bats and fangs and sunlight and drinking blood vampires.  Mulder claims they can't eat donor blood, but they don't have to kill the person they're feeding from and that their victim recovers in a couple of weeks.  We'll see.  He says that it's in their best interests to make sure as many of us survive as possible, and that we're going to need to work together if enough people are going to make it that both species survive.  He may be right there, I don't know.  I mean, it sounds like some people are doing alright out there on their own, but for how long?  More than a few people have stopped posting awfully suddenly.

More info on the zombies, at least according to the Mulder. Mulder claims that the zombies are the result of an  government attempted "vaccinate" against vampirism.  Apparently, they managed to  essentially make a highly virulent form of vampirism that's almost immune to  sunlight (apart from the rotting) and bring the garlic allergy down to almost negligable levels (though apparently if you dump a zombie in an entire vat of garlic you will kill it).   Oh, and as an added bonus in 95% of cases the subject becomes mindlessly insane (Not sure about the other 5%, though I have some ideas).  Evidently science and magic did not play well together in this particular case.  Not sure how the comet relates, though apparently the last times the "vaccine" got lose the comet was around to.  Mulder's explanation: it's magic.  Wonderful.  Anyway,  I'm not sure how much of this is bullshit, but Mulder claims the headshots and the stake through the heart thing works (or rather almost nothing else works) because these guys are essentially modified vampires.   Important note: presumably they work on vampires too along with the sunlight, although as far as I know the zombies aren't quite as fast and don't fly.  Also, the vampires are smarter (in most cases.  Hi there, goon1).

I still don't know what to do. 
wushi thinks for now at least we should work with them at least for now because 1)  We're in a bunker surrounded by vampires that for the moment aren't keeping us drugged and chained up. 
wushi approves of this situation.  2)Said bunker is surrounded by zombies.  3)  Magic+ technology created this.  So maybe magic+technology can cure it?

I think he's right, or at least for now that we don't have much of a choice.  Mulder said that in the next couple of days I might end up playing lab assistant to people trying to find a solution that doesn't involve nuking large portions of the surface, but tonight they're going to potentially have wounded people coming in tonight, so we're going to be helping out in the infirmary.    Before that...apparently the thing in the parking garage+being awake during the day took it out of goon1 enough that he eat.  I volunteered, but apparently at the moment they're not accepting girls for the role of milk cow.  See, if you're going to be pregnant you can't really afford to be periodically losing blood. Bad for the tater tots.  Did I mention that there was one thing missing from my bag?  I'll give you a hint.  They were small, individually packaged, and are occasionally compared unfavorably to raincoats.    SO. 
wushi is going to be the volunteer instead, which I agreed to as long as I could be present.  So I'm going to watch one of them feed from my fiance.  Fun fun.

The thing is...I understand on some level.   I mean, I'm a biologist.  If you have a suddenly drastically reduce population, you want a genetically diverse sample that's going to reproduce a lot, and if you're a rational parasite you want to worry about the health of the females the most, since they're the rate limiting step in reproduction.  Preferably you want multiple pairings as well to maximize genetic mix and match, so we'll see how long before they start interfering with the monogomy thing, assuming the zombies don't get us and they don't lose control and eat us.    So, I do understand.  I just don't like it very much.

Mulder says he also wants
wushiand me to help him talk to the other people that got grabbed about what's going on.  Apparently he thinks in person I'm good at keeping people (that aren't me) from panicking but also critical enough to be credible.  We'll see.

Those of you on the outside.  I don't know what to tell you.  Tonight's going to be the worst of it, they think, both in terms of the zombie attacks and the weird magical bleedovers.  But, as to whether or not you should cooperate if you encounter any of the vampire "rescue" squads.  Well...    I think the parasites may genuinely be slightly better than the crazed predators unless you're really really REALLY sure that you have enough food and water and that there is NO WAY a zombie can get at you.   I mean, they aren't treating us badly, they are (for admittedly selfish reasons) seemingly trying to help, and considering how brutalized
elengul and Laura were... But in the end I think that should be your choice.    I just hope I can help you make an informed one.  Good luck, everyone.
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