Rock and a hard place, part two

Jun 13, 2008 15:10

Oh.  Oh crap.

Well, the good new is
elengul is safe.  He's pretty freaked out right, now but he's going to be okay.  He and the girl (Laura?) made it here, though they ran into trouble more than once lost the other two on the way.  That's two people I know safe.  I'm luckier than most.  Alright, here's the other news that anyone else in contact with a 'safe zone' needs to bear in mind.

I don't know how to explain this.

So... I'll just say what I saw.  Before I got a chance to post the game thing one of the real docs got tapped to go provide first aid if needed, as a car was coming into the garage.  I came along to hold hands and roll bandages.  Mulder stayed behind coordinating everyone else, but Goon1 and Goon2 came with.  They led us through a maze of passages before we got to the parking lot to wait for the car.  Elengul showed up about 10 minutes after we got there.  The chevy looked like it had lost an argument with a tree, but
elengul (who is an ungodly good driver)  made it to the garage.  Unfortunately there was...well... I guess there was a zombie clinging to the underside.  Not someone who was sick, or mind controlled.  A zombie.  He looked like he'd been dead more than a day, though in this heat who knows.  Anyway, it went for the girl fast and jesus it was fast.  Goon1 was faster.

But alright, alright alright we already have government conspiracies and comets right?  So goon1 is an enhanced soldier or something, not that big a deal comparatively.  But. then goon1 wrestled the zombie to the ground and then it tried to bite him and-I guess I know why they didn't want to mount another rescue mission until night time, and made
elengul come all the way to the underground garage.  And why they fed
wushisuch an iron-rich breakfast.  I'm guessing they're allergic to garlic, too.  Cause goon1 flew up to the ceiling and slammed the zombie into that.  He didn't jump really high.  He flew and then goon2 followed him and ripped the thing's head off and I saw them when they came back down from the ceiling and their eyes were red and they had fangs and then we were going through the tunnels and I was okay because I was trying to help
elengul keep Laura and the doc calm.  I don't remember most of the return visit but once they'd taken Laura an
elengul to the infirmary I tried to talk to goon1 and he growled at me and shoved me badk into my room and now the door's locked and I don't know where
wushi is and the door is presumably guarded by cranky vampires.

Alright, alright I need to calm down.  Panic doesn't help.

Here's the thing.There's food here, and the zombies don't seem to compete that well against the goons.  We're alive, but I don't know for how long or what the conditions will be.   If you're alive and out there, I don't know what to tell you yet.  The calvary may be coming, but I can't say for sure yet if being part of the cattle herd is better.  I'm not sure whether or not survival is going to be preferable under these circumstances.  I need more information before I can decide for myself and I really need
wushi.  The Mulder's knocking at the door.  I guess I should pick a new nickname now but I'm not really in the mood.  He says we need to talk.  I'll post what I find out.


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