(no subject)

Jul 20, 2007 11:50

Things to keep in mind after a revoltingly insecure & thus mean girl has done something unbelievably cruel to me:
1. "The way you behave towards other people is only EVER a reflection of how you feel about yourself."
2. "Sticks & stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." (Actually, this is bullshit. Words can hurt more than physical attacks. But it's still a positive thought, so I try to keep it in mind.)
3. They can't destroy you if they don't matter to you.
4. If you don't react, you win.
5. Lots of other absolute bullshit notions they teach you in kindergarten to keep you from pulling out other kids' hair.

I try so, so hard to remain positive and as happy as I can, and as a result, the people I want to be friends with end up being the people who like me. I think some people are jealous of that. I know that sounds like something your mom tells you in middle school - "don't fret, honey, they're just jealous of you" - but I really feel that it's true in this case.

In other news... Why is Jennifer Holliday once again reprising her role as Effie? It makes no sense. It makes even less sense than Adam & Anthony returning to Rent. (I say that only because I love Adam & Anthony with all my heart.)
I got a news aggregator to keep up with the various blogs I read, and I love it.
Am thinking about purchasing a domain, if/when I have the money/parental permission. I miss my original homies, HTML, PHP, CSS and i-frames. Jamie's redoing his website and mentioned something about the possibility of me coding it, which made me realize how ridiculously rusty I've gotten in that department.
It's weird how emotions manifest physically. I've been nauseous, exhausted and relatively sleepless for almost 20 hours.
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