Psych 3x08 Review

Sep 17, 2008 15:58

LOVED this episode. And, okay, a lot of it came from the Shassie vibes...but there was so much more to it. Kind of a long review this week:

Favorite Parts:

- Lassiter (and Juliet) having to hold Shawn back.

- I loved Lassiter's surprised/confused look when Shawn actually called him "Detective Lassiter".

- Rob Zombie Love! I really just loved that whole sequence. Mmm...firearms and swagger.

- McNab! Very cute this episode.

- I love that Lassiter knows so much about what's going on in Juliet's romantic life. They are so friends! (And definitely ties into the "relationship" theme of the season)

- du fromage.

- A random neuron fired in the naughty part of my brain and wondered: "What would Lassiter/McNab look like? And would it be called McNassiter?"

- Giggly!FBI agents

- Shawn's dramatic exit from the bank.

- "Any debriefing's gonna be done by us" any other fangirls giggle?

- "You are so sexy right now!" (I concur.)

- Doorkicking!

Random Supernatural Guest Star Also Showing Up on Psych:

- Gary Cole. Luntz in this episode...also plays an equally unpleasant character in Supernatural's "Hollywood Babylon".

- Dean Paul Gibson. Phelps in this episode. Also the bartender in "Sin City".

- Val Cole. The newscaster...also plays the newscaster in "Jus in Bello".

- Also...this episode slightly reminded me of "Nightshifter"...just with the whole clumsy bank robber and Shawn having to take over the robbery to help him. And also...I'm pretty sure I've seen that street on SPN, but not positive. "Simon Said" maybe?

What Really Got Me to Love This Episode:


The theme of this season (as I've believed). This episode pretty much touched on them all. The main:

Shawn/Gus - I'm sure the Shus'ers loved this one. I personally don't ship them...but I liked the manlove this ep. And hugs are always good. I just liked that Gus can get really pissed at Shawn...but in the end, he loves him.

Shawn/Juliet - Oh the Shules. I used to ship 'em...but this season I think it's felt forced. There was a lot in this episode I thought was unnecessary (see Shawn's call from inside the bank) and I thought the final scene was way too corny/convenient. I want to like them again...I just wish the writers would pull back a little more. This whole "No Shawn" middle of the episode and then "Okay" at the end is getting a little old. Either drop it or push it through. (My opinion, anyway)

Shawn/Henry - No not that kind of "/". Henry's appearance was brief in this episode, but I think it aptly showed how their relationship has grown. Of course he's gonna be worried about his son, but also...Shawn didn't really argue with him when he threw advice his way. He simply said "Thanks". I liked that.

Shawn/Lassiter - Oh. My. Shassie. I feel bad for all of my reviews inevitably ending up back here...but I can't help it! It's RIGHT THERE. *sigh* Aside from the slashy nature of my brain...this really demonstrated the evolution of Shawn and Lassiter's relationship (whether you want to take it slash or if you want to take it professional).

Lassiter trusts Shawn. He still gets slightly annoyed by him, but he seems to have come to respect Shawn's opinions. His argument with Shawn behind the police van (which is one of my favorite Psych scenes ever, BTW) was more about protocol than him not hearing what Shawn was trying to say. He agreed with Shawn...his issue was simply with the rules.

And at the end...Lassiter doesn't even argue with Shawn about finding Phelps in the vent. Sure he whines a little...but he doesn't doubt. First season Lasssiter that definitely wouldn't have happened.

And also I just enjoyed watching the comfy body language between the two of them. Especially when Lassiter was pulling Shawn away from Luntz. By the time they got over to Henry it wasn't a harsh looked more like...friendly guidance.

Well I think that's everything I wanted to get out on this episode. Despite a few points I thought were pointless and my frustration with the handling of the Shules...this was one of my favorite episodes. And now I'm sad I have to wait for more. :(

So...any thoughts? What do you plan to do to survive the hiatus?

(pairing) shawn/carlton, (fandom) psych, slash, episode review, (fandom) supernatural

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