Interesting Day

Apr 21, 2008 22:48

First, tigger_01 has a Fandom Friending Meme here that's worth a checkout.

Today has been interesting.

Started with a 4.0 earthquake, actually. (1:38 a.m.) Freaked me out more than the other two.

Screaming parrot woke me up. (7:40 a.m.) All so I'd get up and turn the TV on for him. Freakin' soap opera addict.

Crazy homo re-woke me up. (9:40 a.m.) [Love you!] I'm pretty sure I sounded more drunk than lucid. Definitely thought "soft leather restraints" were the funniest things ever. Giggled for a solid five minutes after that call ended.

Crazy homo no. 2 called my cell phone five times and house phone four times with a number I didn't recognize but didn't bother to leave a message. (11:20 a.m.) Finally realized who it was and called him back. Then got swept up in the Whirlwind O' Robbie that left me dizzy and smelling of boy and not quite sure what the hell happened to me.

Had a staring contest with a parrot. (1:30 p.m.) That one's my fault.

Invited to dinner where I, more or less, was ignored. (6:45 p.m.) I don't normally think I try too hard to be funny...but I guess I was tonight. It's just rough when family shuts you out.

That's the bulk of it anyway. I just haven't felt like anyone's actually heard me today. Well, James is the exception. He pretended to laugh at least. Our conversations were the only ones that felt normal...and that's saying something. Considering we're not exactly "normal".

Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.

(rl) family, meme, earthquake!!

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