i'm already going to hell for kissing you, i may as well take the scenic route

Dec 16, 2008 20:57

+ I cut my hair today. I'd post pictures but I can barely tell a difference, I doubt anyone else would be able to. I only took about 4 inches off. I don't think it looks too bad.

+ I'm trying to find Christmas movies online cuz I miss them. So far I'm not having much luck. *sigh* ABC Family has a few on their website...but their video player sucks and it's just not worth it. Oh well.

+ It's snowing! Has been most of the day. And it's sticking a little. Mostly just to the roads and my car...but still. I know it'll probably be gone by tomorrow afternoon, but I'll try to enjoy it while it lasts.

+ Wikipedia is my homepage. Don't worry, I don't take it as gospel...but it's handy for a quick lookup. Anyway...

I love that movie. It was my first boy!kissing movie...way back when I was a freshman in college. Very emotional movie. I remember everyone in my little group of friends watching it like twenty times in a week from a single DVD copy that one guy owned. That DVD got around. *sigh* I need to watch that soon.

omgyaychristmas!!!, movies, (rl) my hair is a lethal weapon, gay boys are my life, linkage, random

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