Fic: Ron's Ponderings

Sep 05, 2009 20:11

Sorry for the entire week without any posting, but real life got in the way and I actually had to do some homework. But now here is the sixth and final installment of my 'Ponderings' series. Now I will be starting a new series following Alexander, aka Thunderstreak, as he grows up, with the first chapter of it coming out in a few days, probably on Monday evening. There will still be plenty of BeexSam moments scattered throughout the series, so I think it's still good to post here, but please mods let me know if it isn't. I went ahead and made this chapter from Ron's POV so Judy's reactions would be easier to see and also because I wasn't sure exactly how her mind works.

Title: Ron's Ponderings
Pairing: Sam/Bee
Rating: PG-13 for spark mpreg and the twins' gifts
Warnings: spark mpreg and mention of sex toys
Summary: Post RotF. Takes place 10 months after Optimus' and Hybrid Sam's Ponderings, Sam's 21 at this point in time. Ron Witwicky's thoughts and suspicions about Sam's sudden lack of visits.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Most Americans don’t ever get the chance to really prove their patriotism and allegiance. They never really repay the debt they own to their country.

Ronald Witwicky felt he’d paid off his family’s debt and at least three others’ with the giant alien robot fiasco they’d been dragged into.

He’d had giant robots ruin his meticulously groomed lawn, demolish Judy’s prized azaleas, been arrested and kidnapped by a secret government organization, and had his son dragged into mortal peril of a giant robot trying to kill him without his knowledge or consent.

Then, after everything had become normal once more he’d had his house partly blown up by a giant, although friendly, alien robot, been kidnapped again, but this time by evil giant alien robots while on his first romantic vacation with his wife since before Sam was born, forced to let his son run for his life through an alien robot battlefield, watch his son die while being held back by the military, and have his son come back to life only to die once again from leukemia and come back as a half human, half alien robot.

Selfishly, Ron had caught himself sometimes wondering if he should have just sprung for the Porsche.

It didn’t take Ron more than ten seconds of looking at Sam and seeing how happy he was with Bumblebee for him to be ashamed of that thought.

So after getting over the shock of having his son becoming part alien robot, Ron felt things were starting to get back to at least mainly normal.

His son had finally moved out, saving his grass from being stepped on anymore. Judy had cried on and off for a few days, but the finished construction of the pool and hot tub in the backyard, along with a family dinner which their son and his alien robot boyfriend attended that weekend cleared up the tears in no time flat.

Ron honestly thought that he was a pretty easy going guy. After all, when his son had brought his alien robot boyfriend over for dinner three weeks after turning into a half alien robot himself to inform his parents that he was now officially married to said alien robot boyfriend-husband-all Ron did was sit in stunned silence for a few moments before bringing out a bottle of wine to celebrate. His grass was officially safe for the end of time.

He had expected a blow up from Judy at the announcement, and she didn’t disappoint, but it was the total opposite of what he’d thought it would be. Judy had always wanted a daughter, but after several miscarriages before they’d miraculously had Sam, the doctors had warned her that she most likely wouldn’t be able to survive another pregnancy. So Sam’s alien robot marriage gave her the chance to at least go a bit crazy with post wedding plans.

The Witwicky men, which now included Bumblebee as well, were far too wise to attempt to keep Judy from planning a reception for the newlyweds, but when she became tried to call her friends to tell them the exciting news, Ron had to remind her about the whole ‘national security’ issue.

The reception went well enough, or at least well enough for having giant alien robots masquerading as humans. The twins had in their hurry to be the first ones in line for cake ended up smashing into the table, knocking the cake off and making the candles fall over, setting the tablecloth on fire.

Ron had just been glad that his grass hadn’t caught fire, and it was amusing to see Judy tearing after two seemingly black teenagers with a steel alloy bat in her hands, screaming obscenities all the while that would make a soldier blush.

Otherwise, everything went smoothly, the rest of the guests including Major Lennox and his wife, Sergeant Epps, Simmons, Leo, Miles, and Mikaela and Caleb giving gifts to Sam and Bumblebee as was tradition.

The Autobots had given gifts as well, though the twins’ gift had been made up of various sex toys, varying in color and size. Sam had turned purple and buried his face in his hands and Bumblebee had taken his turn chasing the twins across the lawn, though Bumblebee was smart enough to stay off the lawn and used the path.

Since the twins didn’t follow Bumblebee’s example, they ended up on dish washing duty, with both Judy and Ratchet standing over them, the former with a bat and the latter with a wrench in hand.

Things evened out after the reception with the newlyweds coming over for dinner every few weeks, sometimes with Optimus or Ratchet attending as well. Both Ron and Judy were delighted with the fact that their son had settled down and moved out, and Judy couldn’t stop gushing over how adorable the couple was, and when they were going to start their own family.

Ron could understand Judy’s eagerness to be a grandmother, but from the matching looks of horror on his son’s and his son’s husband faces, adopting babies was not one of the things on the top of their list to do.

Normal only lasted about sixteen more months, but the calm wasn’t broken by more alien robot activity, but by less. Sam and Bumblebee visited less and less and though Ron thought it might just have been the typical progression of newlyweds forming their own lives, a few worried calls by Judy to Mikaela and Miles showed that the young couple had also stopped visits with their other friends.

Judy was ready to storm the Autobots’ base and demand answers, but Ron was able to hold her off, saying that their son would visit them when he had the time. However, as the weeks began to pass without any sight of their son, and only a few rare phone calls, Ron’s fatherly instincts began to get the feeling that something might actually be wrong.

The worry only built from there, the couple’s excuses getting more flimsy and when they failed to show up to celebrate Christmas, Judy lost it.

Calling the number they had been given to reach the Autobots’ base, Ron demanded to speak to his son, only to have Judy rip the phone out of his hand and start yelling for all she was worth into it. In less than thirty seconds she had Optimus Prime himself on the phone, giving the same flimsy excuses for why her son hadn’t been able to come see her.

In less than five minutes she’d had Optimus Prime promising that he would make sure to send the couple to visit them in three days or less.

Slightly appeased though still agitated, Judy thanked Optimus for his help and wished him a good day before hanging up the phone.

Exactly two days later, their son showed up on their doorstep, wearing a small, nervous smile that looked more like a grimace and looking both tired and stressed. After dragging him into the house, Ron and Judy both began to fire out questions that ranged from asking if the leukemia was back, to whether there’d been an evil alien robot attack, or if Bumblebee had gotten some weird robot virus, all of which Sam shook his head no to.

Their son had tried to explain away whatever was obviously bothering him, saying that some big event had come up and he and Bumblebee had to spend a lot of time on the project. Neither Ron nor Judy bought the bull Sam was trying to pull and Ron felt that it was high time he got the truth from his son.

“Samuel James Witwicky, you’ll tell us what’s really going on this instant or I’ll send your mother up to that base to live with you.”

Having his full name spoken by him made Sam flounder, as it was nearly always Judy who resorted to using his son’s full name.

Letting out a shaky sigh and running a nervous hand through his hair, Sam stood up and told his parents he would go get Bumblebee from the car and they’d explain the situation together. Both Ron and Judy waited with baited breath while Sam was out of the house, wondering if he’d run instead of coming back, but after a minute or two Bumblebee came into the house, followed by Sam in whose arms was a baby, half dozing and sucking its thumb.

The little boy looked to be around six months old, with dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes the exact same color as Sam’s.

In a single breath Ron and Judy’s worry vanished to be replaced with joy. Clasping her hands together in delight, Judy asked excitedly if they’d adopted already and what the child’s name was.

Ron admitted he was a bit confused when Sam told him they hadn’t adopted, but that the boy’s name was Alexander Orion Witwicky. Sam then mumbled something about Alexander being really theirs, and that they hadn’t needed to or would ever need to adopt.

After some awkward silence, Bumblebee was the one who finally broke down and explained about how exactly Alexander came to be without the need for adoption or in vitro fertilization. During his husband’s explanation, Sam’s eyes remained glued to the floor, though his arms tightened their hold on Alexander and brought him closer to Sam’s chest.

Once Bumblebee had finished, Judy demanded to know why they had tried to keep Alexander a secret. Their son stuttered out a few phrases and Ron caught a ‘cause it’s not normal’ in the midst along with the mumbled reason that Alex was too young to control when his robot side ‘Thunderstreak’ would pop out, they were afraid to take him off base.

That led to a lengthy scolding from both Ron and Judy, though mainly from Judy since it was hard for Ron to get his two cents worth in between his wife’s breaths. Judy assured Sam that she was proud to be Alex’s grandmother and that if he ever pulled this type of stunt again he’d be put back under their roof and be house arrested to boot.

Ron was a kind enough father to ignore the tears pouring down his son’s face as they dragged him and Bumblebee into a family group hug. After all, it wasn’t everyday that a guy found himself pregnant by an alien robot.

The next four hours were filled with Judy taking complete charge of her grandson, from holding him and changing his diapers to feeding him and putting him down for a nap. Sam wisely let her do so, knowing a tantrum would explode if he didn’t, and it wouldn’t be from the baby.

It then became a frenzied landslide of activity for the next few days. Judy was an unstoppable force, catching up on what she deemed her ‘grandmother duties’. Ron’s recently finished home theater was evicted from Sam’s old room and relocated to the basement to allow for a nursery that their grandson could have when his parents stayed overnight.

No baby item was barred from being purchased by Judy in a mad rush to get the nursery ready as soon as possible; crib, changing table, bookshelves, rocking chair, mobile, baby monitors, swing, and play pen were all added to the nursery in an attempt to convince the young parents to stay over more often.

The greatest purchase had been a black and yellow outfit, covered in glitter and sewn in rhinestones and complete with an embroidered bumblebee following the yellow stitched words ‘Daddy’s Little Honey’. Bumblebee had picked up Judy and spun her around in happiness after unwrapping the gift.

Sam had complained for almost an hour afterwards about how his mother couldn’t understand that you didn’t put jewelry on boys and that his son should not be a victim of ‘bling’. Ron felt it was his job to point out to his son that his alien robot husband had a shiny disco ball hung from his rearview mirror when first ‘bought’. Sam just sulked after that comment, but came out of the funk when he saw how cute Alex actually looked in the ‘bling’ outfit.

Within the week, pictures of Alex had arrived in the mail and Ron happily took them to work to show off, while Judy took her copies practically door to door, showing uncommon restraint by withholding any particular details as to who Alex’s ‘mother’ was.

After Sam had finally spilled his guts, Ron and Judy went to the Autobots’ base to celebrate New Years with their son and his extended family. The proud grandparents were thrilled to see that Alex had every alien robot wrapped around his little finger, displaying the Witwicky charm proudly.

Even Optimus and Ironhide had been caught cooing at the little boy, and Ratchet had an unusually sincere smile on his face for the entire party.

Along with the pictures of his wedding to Judy, graduation pictures of Sam, and several various pictures of Alex being his natural adorable self, a large photo of the Autobots in their human disguises along with all the Witwickys, Bumblebee, Miles, Mikaela and Caleb, Major Lennox and his wife Sarah with their two children, and Sergeant Epps graced the mantle above their fireplace.

All of them American citizens (the President himself had granted the Autobots citizenship after the Egypt fiasco) and all of them one big not-so-normal typical American family.

Ron felt he’d done plenty to prove his allegiance to his country and was now content to simply enjoy the American dream of wanting better for his children and grandchildren.

Meaning there would be no more evil alien robots coming after his family, thank you very much.

A/N: In case anyone was wondering, yes the outfit Judy got Alex does exist in real life. I got it for my niece at Babies 'R Us. I tried to put a few of the ideas suggested to me in, so I hope you all enjoy them!

poster: shamrockivy, rated pg-13, mpreg, sam/bee, fanfiction

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