Come Tomorrow 13

Dec 26, 2007 23:52

Title - Come Tomorrow 13
Paring - BeexSam
Rating - Nc/17 - Mpreg
Disclaimers - All characters are over 18.
Transformers aren't mine.
Thanks - to my wonderful beta that helped me English_Enigma.

This chapter is about what Bee really thought of what happened lately and which faction he really chose.

Come Tomorrow 13

I just ... I just don't want to apologize ... you know, excuse myself for my recent behaviour, for the way I decided to act ... act ... acts, yeah, for what I did. What I started and ... and, oh, fuck you! Fuck you, let me talk because ... because I ... I ... it's like fucking drowning in a endless ocean, so deep and ... and it's my creature, it's what I created ... I devoured my prey and left bones to the lonely vultures ... me ... me ... me. Look at me and tell me what you see because ... because it was my fault I ... I did this to my Sam ... and go fuck yourself as you are standing there pointing your finger toward me because, fuck you ... fuck you, I know what I did ... I know that he's carrying something that is not natural inside ... hmmmm ... my son ... my so beloved son, and I never thought it to be possible ... possible ... making possible what shouldn't be ... having a son, a progeny for me ... me ... me, myself. Oh, unbelievable thing I created ... an earthly son ... a son.

So ... so, where was I ... ehhhh. I was talking about ... oh yes, my friend, I was talking about the way I decided to act lately... and wait ... oh wait, he kissed me. He kissed me and it was like someone was whispering strange words ... am I or am I not a Decepticon? A Decepticon ... yeah, after what both factions did to me I wonder lately who I truly am because, oh fuck! Yeah, fuck because both played with my inner mother system and who knows what I truly am now ... ah, ah, I don't know people, I really fucking don't know and maybe I don't care ... I don't care and ... and they will not ever touch me. Not again ... not another time because I'm smarter ... fucking smarter and I learned my lesson; I had the best teachers ... I learned, yes ... yes, I learned and thank you!

So he came ... he came and told me that I shouldn't even listen to all the bullshit that Prime was telling me ... he came and told me that I could be more. That I could be more ... more than Prime and Megatron ... I could be more because I was the fucking best ... a hybrid ... half Decepticon and half Autobot and so ... he told me ... he told me, hey man, you can be whatever you want ... you have just to open your eyes and ask what you want because you'll get every little or big fucking thing that you'll dare to ask for ... yeah, believe me man you'll have everything ... you starved man!

Come ... come with me, he told me and I decided to just not follow him ... yeah, we fought a bit ... eheh, we just danced for fragments of minutes and then ... and then I had the better of him and I walked away ... fucking Cade and Megatron's orders ... he chose a bad hologram ... Prime, to come here ... to come to talk with me ... a little trick to let me fall, but then his fucking ego prevailed over his fake holoform and he showed me who he truly was ... we can be more ... insane! Insane man he's asking for something more, asking me, an enemy to just join in a crazy mission and take power over both Megatron and Prime ... we can be more. We can aim to something better, Bee ... yeah, because you are something unexpected, something new and both mysterious and unreachable ... yeah, man together we can be more.

I ... I looked at him and he was totally gone, totally insane to ask me to just conquer the world ... to just destroy both the factions ... and above all he was really crazy to believe that I would have followed him. Yeah ... he really was even when we fought and for all the fucking time he was still yelling that I needed to open my eyes, to want more and be with him ... with him ... the way he kissed me inside my car ... the way his hands were travelling down ... further ... the way he was looking at me ... for a moment I thought that he really was in love with me after all, that he had always loved me ... but then as fast as this thought of mine had come ... it went ... far, far away ... he should have known that I love only one person and he isn't a robot.

Then ... ehhh ... then what did I do? Uh, oh yes. I just drove back to Sam ... and he was just sitting in the garden while reading a comic and ... eheh, and he was so beautiful all taken in reading what Spiderman was doing in his adventures ... and the light breeze was caressing his hair and he was absently massaging his so rounded stomach ... a forgotten sandwich was sitting half eaten and he raised his little head smiling widely as I was walking toward him while holding a bag full of candies.

I sat beside him and he just made a bit of room for my broader body ... he showed me a pair of tiny little cotton shoes and his expression was so soft and so ... so beautiful, I have to say again... it was like he was radiating a sort of golden light ... tender and vulnerable boy, carrying our son, the joy of my life ... Sam.

"I love you," he told me while leaning his head over my shoulder and I kissed him. "I just want so much to see our Bright."

I smiled hugging him. "Yeah me too," then we just remained outside, in silence, just the two of us ... and it was enough.

The next day he pushed me outside. "Go buy me fresh muffins, please," he begged showing me his bike. "You can take this."

I lowered my gaze toward the bike that he was pushing in my direction. "Who me? I can take the car."

"Nah, really, Joe's is very close. Just a one minute ride," he smiled but I was still looking at him in disbelief, shifting my gaze from the bike to Sam and then back. "Hey super-bot it's just a bike," he then joked.

"Yeah, I know," I sighed glaring at him. “This superbot will now go to buy you muffins."

"Thanks, Bee ... I love you," he grinned kissing me.

So while I was riding, feeling like an idiot, I didn't even notice Hide following me from behind ... not believing the scene that he was seeing.

"Hey, Camaro!" he yelled pulling me over. "What the fuck, man?"

I groaned while slamming a hand over the edge of the open car window. "It's my new earthly form," I barked making him laugh hard.

"You look good on it, Bee, really," he joked still laughing.

"Yeah, I know ... oh fuck, Sam wants some muffins," I yelled while letting the car drag the bike.

"Hey, Prime wants to talk to you," he yelled over the loud music.

"Oh, yes?" I exclaimed, "and about what, baby?"

"I don't know little one but you should bring your golden butt over the base," he told me before just sheering away making me lose my equilibrium for a moment.

I grunted something in my own language as I watched him turn and disappear. "Prime wants to talk me," I mocked.

"Did you see? It was simple," Sam smiled when I got back.

"Yeah, it was fuckin'tastic," I hissed pushing the bag full of muffins into his hands, "but I love you," I then added kissing him.

"I know ... but, eh, it was so funny," he laughed closing the door.

"You brat," I grunted sitting down at the kitchen table.

"But you adore me," he kissed me before taking a big mouthful of muffin. "Oh, he's kicking."

"Really, baby?"

"Yeah," he smiled widely dragging one of my hands over his stomach then he looked intensely at me. "What do you really think he will be?"

"Surely, he will be as good looking as his dad," I answered and he slapped me lightly on my head.

"Will he be a little robot?" he wondered while chewing another piece of muffin.

"Nah, I don't think so," I shrugged kissing him. "Yeah, surely he will have a passion for racing cars.”

Later I decided to go see what Prime had to tell me and now ... now, here I am standing in front of him.

"I know that you met Cade," Prime says and I nod. "They wanted you.”

"No, he wanted me," I point out. "He just wanted me to ally with him and rule the world," I chuckled.

"Cade always had manias of grandeur," Prime sighed. "Sam is almost there," he then added.

"Yeah, I know.”

"Maybe it would be better for him to stay here and-"

"No, I'm not going to force him to leave his family ... he needs them," I reply leaning against the wall. "I'll protect him from Decepticons.”

"But it will be only for a short while," Prime insists.

"No way, Prime. Sam needs to stay where he's now," I hissed opening the warehouse door.

"Ok ... ok, but let us patrol the area," he says while following me.

"Sam ... Sam is at particular moment where he needs to stay calm and relaxed," I point out while walking toward my yellow Camaro.

"He will even notice our presence," he reassures me. "We care about him.”

"No, you care about what he's carrying!" I yelled stepping inside the car.

"It's not true, Bee. Don’t be stubborn. We are a team."

"We were a team before you guys decided to play with me," I spit out before racing away.

And no ... no, fuck! What I was saying ... oh yeah, I was talking about the way things went and everyone wants a piece of me. Everyone pretends to mess with my mind but, come on, I'm Bee ... I'm the future, the next uncatchable something for both the factions and I'm about to become a father ... and if you look at me ... yeah, closer, closer come on man ... if you look at me you'll see something ambiguous ... something dual, shining and bright ... yeah, Bright, my son ... our son will have the world in his palm... and I play the music aloud while singing, yelling like I’m crazy ... racing toward home, toward my Sam and you are still wondering which faction I belong to ... eheh, I gaze down and I run my fingers over the covered Autobot tattoo and I know where my place is ... with the Autobots.

human!bee, mpreg, fanfiction, sam

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