EDIT: Link to sequel added!
At one time, I never thought I'd ever write Sam/Bee slash, but a story that was meant to be just an exploration of how touch can be misinterpreted decided to get written in a way that was definately beyond that. And it's ending demands a sequel!
Well, of the three possible resolutions, this was the cuter, and at the end it started to get away from cute and is at the moment partway between that and "smut" (closer to cute than smut.)
Anyway, here's the link, for your enjoyment. (Plus the summary ETC
SUMMARY: Isn’t it odd how easily a simple touch can be misconstrued? Bumblebee’s reaction to Sam’s caress is misread by Sam. Sam’s reaction is misread by Bumblebee.
RATING: M, for intimacy
PAIRINGS: SamxBumblebee
SETTING: Movieverse
DISCLAIMER: Transformers is owned by Hasbro and Dreamworks. Unfortunately, none of this belongs to me. If it did, I’d be rich.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3962896/1/Touch I have now finished the sequel, "my Turn, and here it is for your enjoyment.
SUMMARY: Sequel to “Touch.” After Sam has given Bumblebee the best experience of his life in a long time, Bumblebee wants to repay the favour.
SETTING: Movieverse
RATING: M for intimacy
PAIRINGS: Bumblebee and Sam
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Transformers, they belong to Hasbro and Dreamworks. Even if I did, this couldn’t be made into a family film, it’s mature content.