Cliche [A Random SamBee Oneshot]

Dec 09, 2007 16:30

Hello, new member here bringing gifts of random oneshots and general insanity.

I blame almightyzim/PsychoRooster for dragging me into the fandom of this pairing. Consequently, this fic is dedicated to her. XD

Name: Cliché
Pairing: Sam/Bee
Rating: T to be safe
Summary: Unfortunately, Sam had noticed a crucial error he had made in his plans about the aftermath of the battle. Sam Witwicky was afraid of clichés.

It was six months after the Allspark was destroyed. Six months after the battle. Six months since his life had changed completely. Six months since he started a romance with the most popular girl in school, saved the earth and became a local hero thanks to his involvement in the incident with the ‘monsters’.

Not so coincidentally, it was six months on when Sam discovered a growing problem. At first he just passed it off as nothing. Just a nagging doubt in the back of his mind. It was only when it began to increase that he became a little wary. Slowly but surely, it was growing into a bigger feeling in the pit of his stomach, fear mixed with sadness mixed with relief. Soon it was too irritating to be ignored. Because during the six months he had spent in relative shock, Sam had noticed a crucial error he had made in his plans about the aftermath of the battle.

Sam Witwicky was afraid of clichés.

He didn’t realise at first, of course, but it was when Sam made his biggest mistake that he had a turning point. He broke up with Mikaela. Those times of making out on Bumblebee’s bonnet? Gone. Laughing together, hanging out at school? Nope. It had disappeared. And he wasn’t sure why. The spark just seemed to die out. And the more he thought about it, the easier it was to come to the conclusion that they had never loved each other. He was beginning to think they had clung to each other for far too long, shock mingling with a desperate urge for love and understanding. So cliché, yet so common in teenage romance. It was better for them to find both to find someone they cared about in a less platonic way.

His parents, however, didn’t have the same idea.

For Sam may have possibly made one of the biggest mistakes of his life, according to them. A teenage boy could not spend all of his time with his car, occasionally speaking monosyllabically to the girls who appeared by the door every now and again the check out the hero. Even that eventually died down, as they began to get bored of their local celebrity-his fifteen minutes of fame were almost up, considering that they didn’t actually know what he did. But his parents did. And his parents, seeing him blatantly ignore these ‘lovely young women’, came to a conclusion. He was a social recluse. They didn’t understand him. He seemed to have no interest in the opposite sex. For them, there was only one logical explanation.

His parents thought he was gay.

And oh, how wrong they were. That was obvious when he burst out into slightly hysterical laughter when they confronted him with the ‘we’ll accept you no matter what’ talk. No, being gay would have been nice. Unfortunately, Sam's problem was more…well, problematic for him. Yes, he'd dumped the most popular girl in school, no, strike that-the hottest, most wonderful girl in school, but that didn't make him automatically homosexual. No, his predicament was more difficult to cope with.

His life was too monotonous. The government had basically forgotten about those involved in the battle. After refusing a bribe to keep them quiet, they’d been left to contemplate what exactly had happened on their own. And that, unfortunately, was the reason that Sam’s mind was becoming increasingly fucked up. He wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He couldn’t cope with those panic filled few days just fading into nothingness-as if they’d never happened. Only a few people knew what had happened-and most of them worked for the government. They weren’t allowed to speak to him. And it was difficult beyond belief.

And the best way to describe it was cliché. Princesses in Disney films could cope with it, but adrenaline-driven teenage boys were an entirely different matter. but Sam Witwicky was a hormonal, adrenaline-driven teenage boy. He was not going to accept a boring life. Maybe he craved the kind of excitement he had when he got involved with the Autobots and Decepticons. His life was too normal now. And consequently… it just didn’t seem the same as before. He didn’t realise how much he loved the adrenaline rush of danger until it was taken away from him.

Irony’s a bitch, isn’t it?

And unfortunately, being a contrary young man, his natural reaction to this fact was that something needed to be done. Still…he just had to figure out what.

This would be where the Bumblebee situation came in.

It was something to do with his car, that was for sure. The Autobot had decided to stay with Sam, and although he hated to admit it, it was obvious that there was a deeper connection between them than the normal bond a man has with his car.

And as he pondered this as he sat at school, vaguely trying to concentrate on what Mikaela was saying to him, the expression on his face said it all. And Mikaela knew; oh yes, by the look of satisfaction on her face as he muttered Bee’s name under his breath.

“ You love him.” She said simply.

“ I think so.” He replied, not even thinking about his response.

It was only later that he realised the impact of what he had said. And then there was a sick feeling of panic in his stomach, but at the same time the butterflies he got around his ex-girlfriend. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before, and he couldn’t say that it was a bad thing. No, he enjoyed it. But at the same time, it scared the hell out of him. How was that for breaking tradition? He was supposed to fall in love with the girl, not the car. He was a freak.

No, he wasn’t. He was a mechasexual, or something.

But as he came around to the idea, he began to notice that Mikaela was spending some quality time with Bee too. And with every knowing smile she gave him, it was more encouraging. There wasn’t anything wrong with this relationship-not to them. Mikaela was welcome to be a spectator, but she was never as close as Sam had wanted her to be. She was the safety harness. Now she’d become loose, and there was nothing between him and the Autobot to separate them.

The question was, would he really go so far as to break that taboo? Just to feel something different?

As he sank into the plush leather interior of his Camaro/Autobot/object of affection that night, it was quite a surprise to him in what he did. Reaching out a hand, Sam brushed one tense hand against the dashboard. The engine revved up, and there didn’t need to be any words. Nothing at all. Silence, but a beautiful one, aching with the atmosphere in the car at that time. There was nothing else.

And they drove off into the sunset together.

Maybe it was difficult to avoid all clichés. But Sam Witwicky knew for a fact that the thing he was doing now was unheard of. He loved his car. His car loved him. It was wrong, but at the same time it felt more right than what there was with Mikaela. With Mikaela there was safety. You cannot be completely safe when conducting a relationship with a giant robot. But it was the way they wanted it to be.

This wasn’t to say that it was an accepted relationship. Sam had faded back into the background, of course. There wasn’t the same spark between him and his former flame anymore. They just seemed to drift apart in that way, but she had always expected it. And he decided not to tell his parents-they freaked out at the possibility of him being gay, coming out with a car was just one stage further. He didn’t want to cause his own parents to have heart attacks. Strangely enough, the only support they got was from Optimus Prime. Love was a strange thing, he said. And it was. Bumblebee once confided in Sam in his few moments of speech that human emotions still confused him. He didn’t understand the concept of a cliché, and why Sam seemed to hate them so much.

It didn’t matter. The idea of breaking the mould was gone now. Sam had what he wanted, at last. And it had nothing to do with his fear of the fairytale happy ending. He had Bee, instead. There was nothing left for him to try and change. He was happy. And although the danger was never going to go away, he knew that with Bee around-and he shuddered to think this-he would be safe. And as he contemplated what was going to happen in his life from then on, Sam finally had another thought.

There was another small problem.

As much as I try to avoid a cliché ending, I have to ask: how do you get intimate with a car?

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