Snippets of a Story

Dec 01, 2007 22:53

Yuh. well. I've had the week from hell, dealing with emotional breakdowns in class (don't ask) that lead to my TV teacher asking if 'When you start having fits like that, what do I do to help you? Should I isolate you?' (I was crying, haha. I hate that bastard. D< ) all the way to my boss cutting my hours to absolutely NONE next week, and having me scrub the grease stains out of cookie trays for six hours, and then to my utter lack of desire to write anything, I decided to sit down and scribble a few 'snippets' from the story I plan on writing eventually.

More or less, its to let you get a taste of my writing- so that you can anticipate(or dread) the prologue that is to eventually come. (with enough encouragement. my self esteem committed seppuku last week)

Sam wasn't expecting the icy feel of Megatron's fingers as they slid along his stomach, lifting the small human into the air and bringing him to the Decepticon's face. Megatron's optics narrowed, his other hand lifting to slip a single mechanical finger underneath the front of Sam's shirt, pressing none-to-gently to the soft flesh there. Sam's breath hitched and the brunet had to withhold the whine that so-desperately wanted to slip through his parted lips. He squirmed, trying to shift away from the Decepticon. Megatron's hands engulfed his body, reminding Sam of how small he was compared to the large robot- how his very life was now held in Megatron's icy metallic fingers.


Bumblebee wasn't really one for brashness - that was the reason he was a reconnaissance bot, and not a medic like Ratchet, or a messenger like Blur. He was to find his target, and gather information on it - the trouble was, happened to be that no matter how tirelessly Bee searched through the many winding pathways of Megatron's formidable lair, the allspark was nowhere to be found. Bee had run multiple scans on different areas - and the only form of reaction that he was to ever pick up, radiated from the very room that Megatron's humanoid pet resided in. He himself was one of the many Cybertronians that was lured in by Mute's silent demeanor and stoic appearance. Bumblebee still doubted that the human's birth parents had named him something so cruel, but it wasn't like he'd be able to generate any form of a response from the little brunet, who never did more than watch Bumblebee with curiosity and a forced reserve.


"Optimus, this boy, he was once Megatron's pet. He was the only response to the allspark readings that I could receive." Bumblebee uttered softly to his commander. Optimus rumbled low in his processors, peering down at the human that sat in Bee's hand like a porcelain doll - immobile and frail. "I believe that he is the key to this battle, Optimus." As he spoke, Bee couldn't help but feel the tiniest inkling of muscles tensing within Mute's legs and hands. He rose a solitary thumb, allowing it to brush gently against the human's back.

"I wish to be his guardian."

Optimus' optical sensors lingered on the body in Bumblebee's hand before rising up to look at his fellow Autobot. He seemed to contemplate his options for a moment, taking in the way that Bumblebee seemed to be eagerly tense with his stature, and nodded once. "Very well." The bot rumbled.


"My name isn't Mute." Those very words that escaped the human's mouth were barely above a whisper, his voice cracking near the end, hoarse from disuse. It had been uttered so suddenly that Bumblebee paused in mid-step, his holographic body flickering with the utter shock that came along with the statement.

So, tell me whatchu think of my writing/characterization/randomshite.
-snuggles into giant simba doll-
and if I feel like you guys are genuinely interested, I'll start to write.
(Sorry if I seem picky, but I do so much stuff that I feel is in vain, that I thrive on people's opinions)

megatron, bumblebee, fanfiction, sam

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