Art Challenge/Request for Adaptations of Love

Nov 30, 2007 22:03

'Hokay. So...Here's ze deal. Damn! Zat is a sweet deal you might say...

Well, we'll see. ^___^

So here it is. Dreamy and I would like to challenge all the artists in this community to draw the Bumblebee from our story. Not the car and not the 'Bot, but the "human" version. I don't want to give spoilers, so I won't say anything more about the "human" form, but yeah. We'd like to see what you guys come up with.

Then when we've gotten all the submissions, we'll put them up somewhere, somehow, and hold a poll. Whoever wins the "Best Rendition" poll will get a special treat! The winner will get to be the first to read a very smutty side-fic from this story. Bee/Sam? Of course!  At least partially car-sex? Definitely! Natural form involved? You betcha (at least a little bit.)  And there's more! But I don't want to spoil it all, so that's all your getting as far as dangled carrots go.

Content Specs:
  • Obviously Bumblebee's "human" form from our story is what Bee's gotta look like. That's what this is about.
  • If you decide to make it smutty, the more power to you!
  • YES, you may put Sam and/or the Camaro, the Autobot or his Natural form in the picture as well. Fan Art is loved.
  • Did we say smut was okay already? Yes? Good.
  • Uhhh, and that's all we can think of at the moment. If you have questions email the address you'll find just below a few more items of importance here...
We're going to want all of these in by January 19th 2008. That may change depending on the level of response that we get and a few other factors, but that's the date we're going to shoot for for now.

Where to send it:

Sooo, DRAW ON people! We're excited to see if this gets any response.

human bee, bumblebee, fanart, challenge, sam/bee

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