Hi again. Fic Follow up to first meeting

Nov 14, 2007 16:18

Hi!!! First thank you so much for those who commented on 'First Meeting'. It made me feel great. I was a little worried about posting this. I don't want to disappoint anyone with it. So here it is.
First meeting can be found here


Title: Safe
Author: Izzy
Fandom: Transformers
Paring: Sam/Bee pre-slash
Summery: What do you feel?
Disclaimer: Like I, a poor starving college student could afford a camaro!
Notes: Thank you for all your kind words. I got a little intimidated with all the positive feedback. Here is my humble second offering. Present time Sam is a lot harder to write then kid!Sam.
Also, I don’t know the specs for the 2008 camero. It probably doesn’t come with some of the stuff I’ve put in here. I put it up to Bee wanting to have anything he thought would please Sam.

Thanks to Keitsu and yellow_camaro. I borrowed your ideas for an upcoming story that’s being set up in this one.
And it seems as though my muse won’t leave me alone in this verse so expect more. Again thanks so much everyone and I hope you enjoy. (fingers crossed)

It was right after the destruction of Megatron, when everything had returned to normal (as normal as it could be, anyway, with giant alien robots as friends and guardians) that Sam realized that there was something about Bumblebee that felt very familiar. He and Bee were driving towards the Autobots base when the feeling hit Sam. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something. The Autobot made him feel safe, yeah, but that was a given considering that Bee was a large metal entity who had saved his ass numerous times. But, no where else in the world did he feel as safe and protected then when sitting inside the Camero and letting Bee drive.

There had to be something else about the yellow car. The moment he slid into the driver’s seat, he knew that Bee would never let anything happen to him. The Autobot had, after all, risked his own being for Sam under the bridge. Had been captured and hurt keeping him safe. But there seemed to be something else, some memory just out of reach. He shook his head over that thought and started fiddling with things inside the car.

He had never really had a chance to explore the inside of Bee’s car form, having been tossed into the middle of a war right after getting him. He was lifting up the armrest when Bee interrupted him.

“Sam?” Bee queried. “Is something troubling you? You’ve been unusually quiet this afternoon.” The seat belt tightened a bit and loosened in what could have been the car’s version of a hug.

Sam shook his head and placed a hand against the dashboard returning the gesture. “I’m fine Bee, just thinking.” He let his hand rest there letting the rumble of the car soothe him. “You are really cool in here. Did you know that you have a plug for an MP3 player, outlets for a portable DVD player, heated seats and…” He trailed off, flushing. “Of course you know, you are it!” The radio chirped on at him. “I never imagined when I was saving up for a car that it would be this cool. You know something? I’ve always wanted a yellow car. I had a toy one as a kid but… You know, I can’t remember what happened to it. Silly right? I remember telling my dad when I was younger that I wanted a yellow car. He laughed and said I’d be grateful for what ever I got.” He stroked the dashboard smiling when he heard the engine purr.

“I am grateful for you Bee. Now then. What do you have here? His fingers curled over the glove compartment trying to open it. It wouldn’t budge. “What’s in here Bee?” the car shuddered slightly. “Don’t tell me that’s wear you keep your porn, or what ever it is that you guys use for …that.” He chuckled and left the compartment alone. Bee whistled indignantly but calmed when he realized that his human wasn’t trying to open it anymore.

“I keep important things in there. The compartment remains with me when I transform.”

Sam shrugged and went back to looking forward. He could see the Autobot’s base in the distance, getting closer and decided to jump right in with the feelings he was having.

“Do you ever feel safe? Or unsafe? Or afraid?”

The Bot was silent, trying to figure out how to answer that.

“We can feel all of those feelings but usually do not choose to. They can be…overwhelming, especially in battle, but I have felt them.” Sam nodded absently, trying to figure out what he was going say next.

“What of love? Do you feel that?” He ran his thumb over the top of the steering wheel.

“Your internet is confusing in it’s many definitions of love. I’m not sure I can answer that.”

Sam frowned and thought about what love meant to him. It meant feeling totally and completely safe. Knowing that you would lay down your life for that person and knowing they would do the same for you. But it’s more then dying for someone, it’s living for them too, living with them. Knowing that you can be angry at them and not worry about them not loving you anymore… It means feeling safe, utterly and completely safe.” He trailed off, unaware that he had been talking out loud.

Bee buzzed and the radio flipped on. “My love will go on and on…..” Sam groaned and leaned his head into the steering wheel as the car slowed to a stop out side the doors to the base.

“Of all the songs…” He shuddered and reached for the handle. “Once more you open the door…”

“Funny, Bee. You couldn’t find anything better then Celine Dion?” He moved to get out but leaned back at the last second and rested his forehead on the wheel.


“Yes, Sam?”

“You make me feel safe.” Sam quickly got out of the car, flushed.


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