Come Tomorrow 11

Nov 14, 2007 14:42

Title - Come Tomorrow 11
Paring - BeexSam
Rating - Nc/17 - Mpreg
Disclaimers - All characters are over 18.
Transformers aren't mine.
Thanks - to my wonderful beta that helped me English_Enigma.

Judy has to say something to Sam ... Hide wants to help his friend and Bee wants to kill himself.
Too much informations?
Maybe ... but now secrets are going to be revealed and enemies are looking for something important for both the factions.

Come Tomorrow 11

Sam is sitting on his bed, legs crossed and sipping a bit of hot green tea while staring outside. It's a clear sunny day and Bee is sleeping beside him. He turns to stare at his lover all sprawled on his stomach with his head turned toward the nightstand; Bee is fully covered by a pale azure sheet and his antennas are lowered half hidden inside his earphones.

Sam leans forward to caress his head, he sighs thinking about last night ... they discussed for many hours about what to do when their child is born and Bee got upset when Sam told him that he wouldn't allow Bee to transform into his robot - form ‘til their son would be able to understand what Bee's nature truly was.

"But my true nature is me being a robot," Bee had hissed, "and not this fucking holo - form!"

Sam had snorted repeating with more firmness that, no, there was plenty of time for them to explain to their son what Bee was. In the end Bee had stated that even their son would be an alien because he was the result of a human and an alien.

An alien. Sam is thinking while absently caressing his round belly ... he is carring an alien. A shiver travels through his whole body and he finds himself guessing, again, how his son will be. Part human and part robot? Entirely robot? Something impossible to describe with human canons? This son is an unknown quantity, something uncatchable for both Sam and Bee but in the end ... in the end even the whole story ... how he got pregnant, was a mistery for them ... wasn’t it?

Bee shifts and slightly kicks the covers, like he’s trying to uncover himself, and Sam smiles because their son is kicking like he wants to draw Sam's attention to him again.


He jumps, startled, turning to see his mom peeking through the slightly open door of his room. Judy allows herself to briefly look at Bee who is still asleep near Sam before calling her son again, softly asking if he can come out.

"What?" Sam asks once he's outside while lightly closing the door behind him.

"I ... I just wanted to talk," Judy tells him. "Can we just go downstairs into the kitchen?"

Sam nods following her, but his heart is racing while trying to guess what she wants from him. Better yet, he knows about what she wants to talk about it's only that he doesn't know what she will demand this time... what Sam will have to confront.

"Your father is still asleep," she tells him sitting in front of Sam. "Do you want some coffee?"

"No thanks, Mom," Sam replies not feeling quite comfortable, he only wants to hear what she has to say and get it over with as soon as he can.

"Sam ... Sam, I thought a lot about what you told me and even about your pregnancy," she begins while sipping some coffee and Sam notices how her hands are lightly shaking.

Sam nods not daring to talk, just waiting to see where his mom will take this talk.

"Do you love him so much, eh Sam?" she asks while carefully looking at her son.

"Yes," Sam simply replies reaching for a biscuit. "Do you have some milk?" he then finds himself asking like he’s wanting to escape from whatever she's going to say.

"Sam," his mom sighs. "You are my son and I'm trying to understand what is going on."

"What is going on?" Sam snaps. "I'm pregnant, Mom, and in more or less one months time I'll give birth to my son. And, yes, Bee is still an alien. A robot."

"I know, Sam," she coldly spits out. "I'm trying to understand, better yet to accept, the fact that my still young son is pregnant and in love with someone that is not what we can call a human."

"Listen, Mom, I-"

"No, Sam, listen to me!" his mom cuts him off. "Don't rush things because it's not so simple for me to accept that in a while you'll be a ... a mother, and that your lover is a machine, but here I am trying to get my mind around this."

Sam remains in silence staring at her. "I'm not going to leave him."

"I'm not asking you to, Sam," she sighs while sipping more coffee, "but don't build a wall. You need me, Sam ... you'll need me. Us, Sam."

"What about Dad?" Sam asks leaning against the chair.

"He knows ... I talked with him and, Sam believe me, it wasn't simple. He wanted to kill who did this to you but in the end I made him see reason about this situation," she explains.


"And he needs time, Sam, to assimilate, to accept what is happening to you ... that you are pregnant," she answers leaning toward him. "Sam, it’s not simple to compare this situation of yours. It's almost grotesque; you a male being pregnant with an alien ... you can't avoid the fact that we need time to understand and maybe accept your situation."

Sam nods turning to stare outside. "I'm scared, Mom" he whispers softly.

"I know," his mom simply replies reaching for one of his hands and covering it with hers, "and this is the reason that this morning I called you to have a little talk, Sam ... I'm here for you, for both of you."

Sam gazes up at her with wide eyes. "Yes, I know that it can sound crazy, this situation of yours, but you are still my son and I love you, Sam. We love you so much and if you ever thought that I was going to throw you away then ... then, eheh, you didn't know us half as well as you thought."

"Thanks," Sam smiles holding her hand tight. "Bee is fantastic, he's so supportive but ... but sometimes even he has limits."

"I'm not saying that I'm accepting everything, Sam, but I can try to understand," she whispers sniffing. "You are going to have a son and I'm not leaving you behind, Sam."

"You have to accept Bee, also, because he's the father of my son," Sam tells her while feeling hot tears slide down his cheeks. "I love him, Mom, and he's part of my life and-"

"I will try, Sam," she says wiping away his tears. "I will try to accept him."


They both turn to stare at Bee standing at the kitchen door wearing a worried expression on his face ... his glacial eyes shift from Sam to his mom and then back while trying to understand if his beloved human is in any distress.

"Come here ... Bee," Judy says gesturing for him to sit at the table with them and Bee for a moment remains undecided staring at Sam in search of an answer.

"Bee," Sam calls him. "Come here," he then adds standing up and grabbing his hands leading him toward the table.

"Sam?" Bee whispers while following him and Sam feels him tense and look arond suspiciously.

Judy hints at a smile as she sees him going to sit down beside Sam, her eyes studying the tall boy in front of her and when Bee's arctic eyes meet her's she feels a little skip of her heart ... like she can see more behind them ... something that does not belong to this Earth.

"So ... so, Bee, what are you using to interface with us? A hologram?" she asks but Sam can see that she's nervous because this is the first time that Bee ... that this alien, is standing so near to her, and there's something cold ... sideral in his being that attracts her and Judy finds herself staring at him, searching in those clear arctic eyes for something that can explain his true nature.

"Yes, you can call it a hologram ... but it's more complex than that, Judy," Bee explains shifting in his chair and he jumps slightly when one of Sam's warm hands goes to rest on his thigh. He turns to find Sam smiling at him and, without thinking, he leans forward to kiss him ... for him it’s a simple reassuring gesture that he needs to receive ... to feel, but for Sam ... Sam just kisses him even if his eyes are on his mom.

"I'm sorry," Bee babbles when he notices how nervous Sam is. "Maybe it would be better if I-"

"No, Bee. It's ok," Judy stops him from standing up by grabbing his arm. "You ... you are welcome to stay here with us and have breakfast."

"Mum?" Sam whispers while scratching his head. "He doesn't need to eat."

Judy remains perplexed for a moment then, smiling, she says, "But I'll be happy if he will remain here with us."

Bee nods and she stands up. "Hey, Sam. How many pancakes for you?"

"I'm starving, Mom," Sam chuckles finally feeling the tension washing away from his body, "and with lots of honey, please."

Bee chews his bottom lip while looking around himself, as his system is rapidly registering what is happening ... but Sam's hand is still there on his thigh reassuring him that everything is ok.

"I love you," Sam whispers smiling.

"I love you too, Sam," Bee replies as Judy puts a dish full of hot and honeyed pancakes in front of her son.

"So, Bee ... tell me about you; about your home," she asks sitting in front of him as Sam is all taken in eating.

"This is my home," Bee replies and ... and Judy smiles.

After breakfast Bee takes Sam to Mikaela and then decides to just go racing through the desert with Ironhide.

"I didn't deserve to be kicked out," he spits while driving crazily with Hide’s holoform sitting beside him.

The military man just keeps staring in front of him at the dusty road. "I'm more than sure that Prime will come to talk with you."

"About what?" Bee yells over the loud music that the radio is pumping.

"About the fact that he made a mistake in kicking you out," Hide replies while gesturing for him to turn toward the right to avoid a big rock.

"I saw it!" Bee yells abruptly sheering while widely grinning. "Fuck the Autobots. If he doesn't want me, well, he can go to fuck himself far away from me!"

Hide rolls his grey eyes. "Oh come on, little one. I know that you are proud to be an Autobot and-"

"What if I told you that I'm starting to get used to not being an Autobot anymore," Bee reveals swerving another time.

Hide remains in silence for a moment, pondering what the boy just told him a moment ago. Silently he stares at him all taken in racing not caring about  speed, safety or that the music is so loud that their sophisticated radar are suffering from it. And then he thinks about what Prime told him ... his fears that he made an error in kicking him out, his fears about his dark side, about his dual personality and he knows that he has to quickly find something to say to avoid him doing stupid things.

"Stop the car," he orders while his metal dog - tags are clinking on his chest.

Bee shakes his head. "No way, man!"

"I told you to stop this fucking car now!" Hide yells above the loud dance music. "It's an order, Bumblebee."

"I'm not an Autobot anymore so fuck you!" Bee barks angrily his glacial eyes burning holes through Hide. "Just jump out if you want to leave this car because I'm not going to stop."

Hide just sighs and quickly he draws out a gun pointing it at the boy's temple. "Stop this car," he slowly but firmly repeats, pushing the barrel a little more into Bee's temple. "Now!"

"Do it!" Bee yells madly not slowing the speed of the Camaro. "I don't fucking care and then I'm a holo so you-"

"You are more than a holo, Bumblebee. If I shoot you ... I shoot into your mother - system," Hide yells staring at him.

"No, I'm like you ... like you," Bee repeats shaking his head.

"No, Bee ... no," Hide barks out keeping the gun barrel pressed against Bee's temple.

"What did they do to me!" Bee cries out increasing his speed. "Kill me ... kill meeee!"

Hide just closes his eyes for a brief moment, the situation is claustrophibic and the air heavy and humid. "You have to understand that Prime and Ratchet wanted to protect what they-"

"No no noooo. Kill me. Kill me, Hide, please!" the boy cries out. "Just blow my system out because I know ... I know that they did some nasty experiment on me ... I ruined it all ... I ruined Sam ... kill me!"

"Look at me, damn you!" Hide yells like he's standing in the middle of a battle and he has to find all his courage to fight the enemy. "I'm sorry for what they did to you and I know that it wasn't right but just stop this car. Bumblebee, look at me!"

"You are a liar like everyone. They ruined me ... poisoned me with something, and they ruined Sam too ... they exposed him to danger ... I'm a danger!" Bee cries out while racing toward a ravine. "Kill me, please ... I ... I just wanted to be like you."

Hide turns to stare at the approaching ravine. "I can disappear, Bee, but you'll die. Stop this car ... please, don't listen to those voices. Listen to me instead. You don't want to leave Sam, do you?"

"I ruined him-"

"No, you didn't ruin anything, Bee ... you are ... you are perfect. More perfect than us, believe me," Hide tells him while shifting his eyes from Bee to the ravine and then back. "Look at me, little one."

"I don't want to be like this ... I don't want to remember," Bee cries out, whimpering softly. "I love Sam. Tell him that I love him ... get out ... go away, disappear!"

"Decepticons are coming. We need you, Sam needs you. Don't do anything foolish. It’s not you ... it’s not you, Bee. You are different; you are not yourself right now. Look at me, boy. Come on, Bee," Hide pleads even if he's shaking and the ravine is so close. "Bumblebee!" he yells above loud music, above the wind harshly blowing outside and he cuts off his holoform letting the yellow Camaro do his jump ... make its flight.

human!bee, mpreg, fanfiction, sam

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