05042013 Day 6 of Captivity

May 04, 2013 18:08

No calls. I slept as normal people do. Sleep, Lovely, Sleep.
I don't think sleep will be had tonight but luck could shine.
I'm offline next week and will misbehave appropriately.

HellDay Commencement
1. SAN Switch zoning. 9-3pm. Majority of connectivity re-established.
Slow going due to the contractor and my VPN dropping.

2. Network switch change impacts connectivity -only 40 minutes after I request the engineer to
back-out the change does he comply. Problem went away. Obey the El BeerDiablo.

How Special Children Communicate
The sway of working an issue at Infiddlevestcorp is to use instant messaging.
Which is fine for brief exchanges where the resolution/work-around is clear.

In the above examples, the issues weren't clear and being worked at the same time.
That couldn't have been avoided but from now on, I'm demanding a conference call started to get all technicians
on a phone call so I can control the flow. I'm not an M.I.T. graduate but for some reason, things seem to move
quicker when I'm vocally or in person dealing with an issue.

Now to have a beer with Jeff Hanneman until the machines call me to say they’re broken.
[pinky out; horns up]

work, infiddlevestcorp, slayer, on-call, beer, metal

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