Torquemada Level Torment 08282012

Aug 28, 2012 22:36

Depth charge Monday laid waste first thing with notice that I'm the manager of my group for the next two weeks.
No true notice. Breckenbrew is on vacation from now until 09.12.

At least Breckenbrew has the formidable BeerDiablo on staff. I have no equal with Breckenbrew gone
-the rest of the staff can't move fast enough or plan well [for various reasons].

Which Child to Kill?
Meeting tomorrow with upper management to review weekend changes that aside
from break/fix are split between two major projects -both high profile, but only one can make progress this weekend.

It's like throwing meat into a pit with two wild animals and seeing which one lives.
The meat here is management that didn't staff up two years ago or this year.

The next two weeks will not be pleasant. I expect to be irritable and sleep deprived.

breckenbrew, work, infiddlevestcorp, management, beerdiablo, project

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