Aug 03, 2012 21:02
Equilibrium squashed after I posted last; the next day the storage group wanted a different configuration and this morning
International Beer Mafia proposed yet another -though more efficient -config. Once again, I think I'm back at
equilibrium but this time, I've achieved some efficiencies.
Hex2Dec Dec2Hex Minus One
Storage set-up is still new to me [previously on processors] but after going through “X” number of trials,
I tired of tedious updates to documentation -taking hours based on the quantity. Immediately, I switched
the docs from PowerPoint to Excel, got rid of a bunch of trash/merged cells, color fills, etc. But more remained.
Granted a block of breathing space today, I figured out how to set up Excel to increment via hexadecimal
and created a layout of the control units/devices that takes minutes instead of hours.
Now only if the mainframe IO update didn't take that long to stage...
Few things are paused due to unknowns but presently, the storage migration plods forth
and the Pterosaurs continue to circle...