Aug 05, 2008 20:51
alright. another semester conqured. not quite yet - but my last day is thursday WHEW. it was a quick one - 8 weeks, wowzers. clinic was only 6 weeks, which was almost pointless, by the time we got to know the clients and understand what to do we were done working with them. I actually enjoyed working with all of my clients this semester. I had 4 - 2 school aged (middle school and highschool) and 2 elementary little autistic boys. I loved not having classes or clinic on fridays - AWESOME. during the school year we have tues and thurs off, but that doesn't count b/c we have clinic and all sorts of stuff. anyways. id idn't work very hard on my school work b/c it's summer - and i just didn't feel like it. but i think i'll be fine. probably afew A-'s but oh well. C'est la vie.
Gross anatomy rocked. There were 11 of us, and we had 3 bodies to work on in groups. We dissected the throat first - to get to the larynx. We cut that out and got to see the epiglottis and arytenoids and vocal folds and all that jazz. It took forever to get rid of the adepose (fat) tissue, our lady had alot of it. After the larynx we got to look at the brain - wahoo! My main job was to peel off the scalp (which does sound like peeling an orange) and then chisel the skull off. We got to see the cranial nerves (including the optic chiasm, cool!) and the circle of willis, the basel ganglia, hippocampus, ventricles and all that crazy stuff. it was awesome. to think all of the memories and thoughts were/are in there - just absolutely crazy. we also looked at the vetebral and spinal column too. After the brain we finished with the face muscles - still in that process - but that is just crazy. so far our group has found alot of muscles, including the orbicularis oris, the zygomatics, masseter, buccinator all the awesome ones. It was creepy to cut right below the lady's eye - and cut through hair and stuff...wowie. anyways, it was fun, but it gets tedious - i mean 6 days of removing fat is a little rediculous, eh?
Other than school I'm not doing much. Oh, I turned 23. yep, uneventful in an OK way. No one needs to know i'm getting older - I think the days of actually enjoying my birthday are over. that left with childhood. ah well. After school's done jorge and i are going to milwaukee to see my mom and grandparents who happen to be in town on the same weekend - adn we're going to the state fair. it's jorge's first time going, so i'm excited about that - yay animals and food! woot. after that I'm goign to a wedding in Appleton, and then going to california for 2 weeks to see my mom and her new house (they moved in May!) aaaaand to welcome julia home YAHOOOOO. she's been gone in the peace corp for the last 2 1/2 years. crazy. crazy romanians. it was awesome visitn gher there, but i don't need to go back. i'm glad she'll be in the same country now - it'll be different, I can actually call her on a cell phone, not just on skype or something. oo which reminds me i have to give her cell phone back. haha. right now she's traveling around egypt, greece and turkey - lucky ducky. oh right after california school starts a few days later and it's the final push to the end! I'm done with classes in December. then I have a huge test (comps) in January which determines if I get my master's degree and then 'student teaching' (externship) during spring semester. the end is in site. Although I must admit I love grad. school. i love being busy with it - I love hanging out in that office and I love balancing it all and kicking butt along the way. I like having a schedule, and planning, and having a system. This fall I'll be at St. Mike's hospital for 2 months - i'm excited to try that. I'll learn a ton. yay swallow studies and assessing aphasia/stroke patients. ok I think this is a long enough post. all is going great and I'm just trucking along. Enjoying life with Jorge :)