what a week!

Apr 15, 2011 15:53

Last Thursday, I was just minding my own business, getting ready to go to work when two of my cats--who are normally the best of friends--decide to get into an all-out barroom brawl in the bathroom with me. I took a step towards them to break them up and must have stepped wrong or something because I managed (with that one innocent step) to tear the muscle in my right calf. Cue excruciating pain. To make a long story short, I've been laid up for the past week, unable to walk without crutches, unable to work, unable to do anything really, but eat, sleep, read, and watch T.V. If I didn't HAVE to lay around and basically do nothing, I'd probably be loving it.

I saw an orthopedic surgeon yesterday and he told me it normally takes up to six weeks to recover from an injury like this. I haven't been able to take any of the medications that have been prescribed to me because everyone of them have made me super nauseous. I can put a little weight on it now, so it is getting better slowly but surely, but just the idea of another six weeks of convalescing doesn't sit well with me. Pun intended.
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