Oct 04, 2010 06:19
I have the day off. Yay! Must note that first and foremost. I really, really need to clean my house, but I know I'm going to end up writing all day.
Got some yard work done yesterday. I'm trying to get psyched for painting my house. It has to be done. There's just no putting it off anymore.
Have to be at the vet's office by 8 this morning. Little kitten, Crow is due to lose his manliness. I get to pick him up at 4 this afternoon though, so it won't be so bad. Poor little guy. So unsuspecting.
I've been working on the fourth book in my series. If I haven't mentioned it before, it's called, "The Scent of Rain." I have thirteen chapters done. I'm still not really sure where it is taking me. I feel like I'm just along for the ride with this one.
The first proof of "Cemetery Moon" is due in any day now. I'm hoping today will be that day. I know I'm going to have to order another because of some formatting errors I discovered too late, but that's all right. I still see this book becoming a reality before the end of the month. I will be meeting my November publishing goal after all.
My artist has graciously offered to do all of my covers. I'm so thrilled with CM's cover, I can't stop looking at it. "Guardians and Graves" is up next so I need to be thinking of a cover for it. Anyone got any ideas?
Right now, I'm just trying to promote "Cemetery Moon" as much as possible as its distribution is expanded. Smashwords has sent the ebook version to Diesel, Kobo, Sony, Barnes&Nobles, and Apple this past week. It's on the Kobo site right now, but the other ones take up to eight weeks to make it available. In the meantime, don't forget, all you ebook readers out there, you can always buy it through Smashwords.