Another challenge for
Make up to 4 pieces focusing on architecture of buildings, or structures in the world, or in the fandom world if you can find them.
I chose to make picspams (a collage with a minimum of 6 images) with photos of my own travels, since I always make tons of pictures of buildings so I had plenty of material in my own archives:)
I ended up with sets from:
a day in Dallas during my USA roadtrip in 2015 with tmn1966one of my many citytrips to London, when I discovered cool spots doing a Secret London walk in October 2018and a collection of pics from one of my favorite buildings in London, where I usually start my visits: Liverpoolstreet Stationmy traintrip to Japan, featuring buildings of every city I spent time in* Click for full size 600x800px.
Fun detail: the bus in the upper right corner is from BigD FunTours, that name still makes me giggle:)
I never got around to doing a full picspam of my visit to London in October 2018, but am thinking of doing one after I've caught up on more recent travels. I discovered lots of awesome hidden places thanks to the Secret London guide.
I traveled around by train and stayed in: Tokyo - Kyoto - Hirosjima - Osaka.
You can find more photos from that trip in the links below.
*Yes, I will continue with my proper Japan travel picspams soon;)
Part 1: Traveling to Japan |
Part 2: Temples in Tokyo |
Part 3: Nikko Part 4: From Tokyo to Kyoto |
Part 5: Nara |
Part 6: A stormy day in Kyoto
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