Artwork LOA Challenge 15: How Did You Do That

Jul 06, 2018 16:59

While I'm in the last stages of my second BigBang artwork, I'm trying to get a little better organized in my arts & crafts space and this also includes my digital archive. I noticed I hadn't shared some of my landofart creations before, so this is a catch up post! It's quite a random selection of banners, icons and covers. At the end I'm adding a Tutorial that's illustrative of my usual way of brightening colours to improve images:)

Challenge 6 - Hide & Seek, Round 4 through 8
The whole LOA community submitted characters at the start; every round you create art for one or more characters from that group. Every round characters are -randomly- cut and you lose a life if you happened to pick that character. You get extra points for surviving.

4. Rupert Giles, Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Alison Hendrix, Orphan Black

5. Captain Jack Harkness, Doctor Who & Torchwood* - 6. Gwen Cooper, Torchwood
*click for original size

7. Sam Winchester, Supernatural - 8. Cordelia Chase, Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel

Challenge 8 - TicTacToe
Choose 3 squares from the card provided; I picked ICON + PICSPAM + SIGTAG.

I was experimenting with text. Very pleased with the Willow/Tara sigtag!

A picspam of Call Me By Your Name. <3

Challenge 10 - 10 Got It Covered
Create covers for movies, tv shows, books or even fanfiction.

I approached this challenge as if I was making bookcovers. My main aim was to keep it basic and go with the first visual that came to mind. The banana featuring in the Minions cover was photographed by me:)

Damron was a character in Star Trek Enterprise episode Carpenter Street, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan (although I must admit, I'm not a hundred percent certain this is him, there have been more of this species and the actors are dificult to recognize;)

Challenge 12 - In The Beginning
Remember your earliest fandom interest, and make the first type of art you created.

My first fandom was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I was only a lurker and reader back then. I started arting in the CSI-fandom; for OTP Nick and Greg. I'm still moderator for the NicknGreg LiveJournal, Tumblr and YouTube channel, it was fun to play with them again:)

How I Brighten Up Images
This is how I made the Cordelia Icon for Challenge 6. Below you see the original image and the final result before I continued fiddling in iconsize. In de layer window you can see the step-by-step.

1. Original screenshot Cordelia (503x369 pixels)
2. Duplicated layer, set blend mode to Screen, except for the left part of crossbow.
3. Repeat of layer 2, except for her face, that was already bright enough after the first screen:)
4. Repeat of layer 3.
5. Duplicated original layer with blend mode: Soft Light, for contrast and more intense colours.
6. After merging all the previous layers, I added an Unsharp Mask Filter; this makes the image *pop* (by adding a white pixel around each colour pixel, check result on 100% size view!)
7. Added a blue layer (70c24m10y0k = 66R157G199B) with blend mode: Soft Light, to lower the yellows in the image.
8. Added blue scratches in the background to make the image more dynamic (set layer to Overlay for transparent effect).
[Scratchies brush set by Eggler on]

Here's a step-by-step animation:

When the image was to my liking I turned it into an icon (100x100pixels), but of course I had to play with it some more before I was completely satisfied. Here's what I did:

9. Added another layer with blend mode Screen [Layer 1 copy]
10. A scratch on top (in the same blue I used for the soft light blend in step 7.)
11. Added layer with white dots to highlight eyes (round brush 1 pixel, 0% hardness) set to 62% opacity
12. Text layer in orange (colour selected from her shirt:) Font: SleepTalk, edited with a stroke and made more readable by adding a drop shadow.
13 Added a white line under the text

This tutorial was made for landofart challenge 15 How Did You... Do That?

A list of previously posted artwork for LOA:
(Only art that's missing are a couple of challenges that were very specific for Land of Art and don't make sense out of context)
  • Ch. 3. PreHideSeek [DW]
  • Ch. 5. Highlight 2017 [DW]
  • Ch. 6. Hide & Seek (round 1, 2 and 3) + Ch. 7. Starwars [DW]
  • Ch. 9. EveryDay Items[DW]
  • Ch. 11. Do You Know Your ABCs [DW]
  • Ch. 13. Almost the Same [DW]
  • Ch. 14. Animated Animation [DW]
  • Ch. 15. How Did You Do That, part 1: creating a polaroid effect [DW]

    Currently I'm coloring for Challenge 16, there's a sneakpeek in my Instagram;)

    That's it! Comments are welcome, as are questions:)


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  • buffy, torchwoodisananagram, land of art, i made this, spn, nickngreg

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