Age of Pandora - Day 3/60

Feb 03, 2017 21:49

Exercise wise it was a GREAT chapter, but story wise? NOPE. What the hell!

Spoilers for exercises AND STORY!
So, ehm, turns out the stranger was NOT Jeff at all, we decided it was his evil twin Negan, because he would have that coming for pissing off the monster. (Shut up, we can rewrite the story, it's the apocalypse, the world is a mess :-p)

Anyway, I don't mind jumping jacks in small doses and I managed all the other moves as well, only had some trouble keeping up with the hop heel clicks (I apologize to my neighbours for the rough landings;) Favorite was the side leg raises, mostly because they gave me a chance to catch my breath in between all the hopping.
I did Level 2, but I added an extra set, because I noticed in the example drawings the man moves his arms opposite from the woman in the video for the split jacks, so I wanted to know how that felt. :-)

I added the new exercises for Day 4 to my Age of Pandora video playlist (#15-17 and for in between golden oldie #7). There are example modifications for #17 and #7 (see links below!)

Looks like the first part will be a work-out for our eyeballs, because there's a lot of the story to read!
Let's be careful out there, somersault_j, whiskygalore, sinfulslasher, tabaqui, sleepypercy, shouwa and lotrspnfangirl!

My personal Age of Pandora video playlist / Age of Pandora pdfs at Darebee website / Modification examples
Work-Out Sets (go to bottom of page to filter preferences / Video Exercises!) / WARM UP!!

P.S. I sneak peeked at Chapter 5 and we're gonna need the map for that, just so you know. Here's the large version if you want to print it.


age of pandora

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