I wrote (and sent!) a job-application. Djeebus, that is more stressful than joining a fandom challenge and waiting for an author's response to my artwork. *bites lip*
In the meantime I'm still in the middle of the fight against the cut in hours at my current job. I did manage to sent in my objection on time and received a response from the unemployment agency two days later. My letter was grounds for a second round of action; they sent my boss a copy to give him an opportunity to oppose my arguments and then I will get a chance to counter his reply. After that a final decision will be made. I just hope everything will be resolved as peacefully as possible. No matter what happens I still have to continue working there. Obviously the atmosphere is not as comfortable as it has been for the last sixteen (16!!) years *sighs*
I plan to do happier posts in the near future. I got some fun and distracting stuff lying around;) (See also
this post with delish nsfw fanart of snuggling men)