I have been to Wrestlemania, appeared on C-Span, and seen the Residents in concert. It doesn't matter to me if the sun comes up tomorrow or not. Still, I know some of you have some stuff on your bucket list, and for you I have this to say:
For those who want to see long lost relatives or those with large credit card balances, October 21, 2011 is when the Big Guy pulls the plug. That is because on May 21, 2011, in the biggest return since Jay Z, Jesus steps back in the game.
Because although the Bible says "No one will know the hour or the day of Jesus' return", Harold Camping has gotten the inside track; and although he doesn't spend much time explaining his algebraic formula, he does have a
I shouldn't say anything bad about Camping. He apparently has the courage of his conviction. I would go with "Autumnish... maybe next year".
Then again, Camping is the guy who wrote
1994. Since it's not likely to go back to press, I will explain the plotline of that particular book - The world ends in 1994. He also got all of his friends together on
September 6 of that year, as that was definitely when it was all coming to the end.
Anyway, for those who owe back taxes or have that last ten pounds to lose, I wouldn't worry about it now.