Lately I've been obsessed with
Yogatoes. I don't wear shoes that squish my feet, but I do wear at least a 2-inch heel most days out of the week, and because of past trouble with not one, but BOTH my ankles (right one got sprained about 5-6 years ago, left one got severely sprained this past July), I get foot fatigue.
I didn't buy the original Yogatoes because they cost $50! I did get two different substitutes (
Pampered Toes, by the makers of the PedEgg...and
Flex-Tastic). The Pampered Toes feel like more of a stretch, but both work pretty well. I feel like dancing around afterward because my toes feel so liberated or something.
I highly recommend them for people who either wear constricting shoes, wear closed-toed shoes all the time, are on their feet, or who wear lots and lots of heels like I do. Overall, I feel like this will help strengthen my feet and ankles, as well as relax any tension.