Digging her way to China...

Feb 14, 2009 23:02

I realize this is the third entry in a row that I have made regarding Sophie, but everyday, it's something new.

On Wednesday night, while I was completing the finishing touches when putting on a box spring cover to my bed (I don't want it to get dusty and covered with Sophie's fur balls as time goes by)...Sophie decided to make her covert escape to the neighbors' yard, using a hole she'd dug over some period of time. I'm not sure how long she'd been working on this hole, because it was big enough so that she could squeeze her way through, and it had only taken me 10 minutes to finish up the bedding issue. When I went to get her, I couldn't find her anywhere in the jungle yard. Granted the jungle yard isn't that big, but it's dark at night and the grass is high enough -- up to my knees, almost -- and it makes for a great hiding place for medium-sized dogs like Sophie.

In any case, I could HEAR her, but not see her. She would yip a little bit, then stop...and I could hear her collar jingling. The thing that's different about my new place is that the fence surrounding the yard and separating my home from the neighbors' yards is wood. At my mom's place, the fence is made up of cinder blocks -- thick and rooted way deep into the ground. I guess Sophie figured out the fence was different here, because she made her great escape to the neighbors' yard. I know it's because they also have a dog and they are "friends" -- that is, they bark excitedly at each other through the fence every single morning.

Long story short, I ended up having to call my brother to help me get her back, because that particular neighbor -- they live right behind me -- has a giant fortress of a house with a locked gate to the front door. I couldn't get in to ring their doorbell! We managed to coax Sophie over to the fence to try getting her out, but she was afraid to get under the fence, and even with all her little dog treats, it was a tough deal. Alex scraped his arm on the underside of the fence, trying to hold onto her collar. We pulled her through, though, and put her in her crate while we filled up the hole with the soil and some extra bricks.

I had to give her a bath because she was beyond dirty -- all the mud was ground deep into her fur. She looked pitiful, to say the least. Still...I can't believe how resourceful Sophie can be. I know she's a dog, but geez, she's a determined dog. Seriously, what dogs do you know dig holes to visit their dog friends next door?

sophie dog, why me?!, new digs

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