Title: The People Saw
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None.
Wordcount: 100
Summary: The people saw, but no one spoke of it.
King Arthur recited his wedding vows over the shoulder of his Queen, staring at the court magician. The people saw, but no one spoke of it.
The King and Queen’s wedding bands did not match. Merlin and Lancelot wore those matching bands. The people saw, but no one spoke of it.
Merlin was never disturbed early morning. Not before he left the King’s chambers. The people saw, but no one spoke of it.
Passionate cries were often heard from the throne room when the King was taking Merlin’s private council.
The people knew, but no one ever spoke of it.
My first drabble! It is way harder to get exactly 100 words than I thought it would be… Please let me know what you think :)