Books completed in 2010:
1. Zen and the Art of Knitting, Bernadette Murphy. Not as interesting as it looked on the shelf; I'm glad this was a library book and not a purchase. Too much "Bernadette' spiritual journey", not enough knitting. Still, worth finishing.
2. Sarah's Key, Tatiana de Rosnay. This novel was a Chanukah gift from my Mom. Terrifying story, well told. (A little too much romance-novel angst in parts, but good characterization and plot.) Again, not one I would buy for myself, but definitely worth the read. Might be a good bookclub read.
The book is based on a little-known incident in Vichy France, the round-up of Jewish Parisians in the Vel' D'Hiv'. Ordered by Nazis but carried out by French policemen, the round-up including 3500 children. They were transported to Auschwitz and immediately gassed. But a few children, a very few, managed to escape the Vel' D'Hiv' with the assistance of police officers and others who looked the other way.
This is the story of one of those children, and how her life touched the life of a journalist in 2002.
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