(no subject)

Jun 21, 2006 16:56

I'm slipping into mild depression again. I have trouble getting up in the morning, and I'd rather stay in bed than deal with my life right now. Everything seems so vast and dull and empty.

Also getting the "I can't stand to be here" thoughts that I sometimes got at college. I couldn't do much about them then, and I don't really know what to do about them here. I just want to go someplace else, but I don't know where or why.

Overeating, because food is interesting. It has taste and texture and temperature. It is not blandly there.

I need to get a job if I want to be allowed to go to Dragon*Con this year, but I just hate trying to find a job. I hate constantly filling out applications and doing interviews and then just getting ignored. Do I project "psycho killer" or something? I'm an able worker who just wants a minimum wage retail job. There's plenty of those in the city after the hurricane - do I have to put in my available hours as 24/7 to get a job? I'll work whatever hours you give me, just give me something that'll get my parents out of my hair!

Grey, grey, grey. I wish I had the energy to go someplace.


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