
Jun 21, 2006 12:54

Rules: I tell you who tagged me and then I tell you 8 weird, factual, quirky things about me in a public blog, then I tag 6 more people to do the same. No tag backs. No fair repeating quirky, weird factual statements that have been posted less than a year ago.

karma_aster tagged me. It is either a token of her love or her amusement.

1. One of the ways I reassure myself that the monsters, whatever they might be at the time, won't come to get me is to tell myself that they haven't filled out the in-triplicate paperwork required to get into my house.

2. While lying on my stomach, I can press the soles of my feet to the back of my head.

3. Despite writing fanfiction for six years, Transformers is the first fandom I've gotten heavily, heavily involved in.

4. I love fashion and wish I had a subscription to a non-teen fashion magazine.

5. Whenever I leave negative feedback on anything, I always expect to be met with hysterics or nasty attacks. Always. Even when it's a close friend. And I have no idea why, since I've never had a particularly bad fandom experience.

6. I don't drink caffeine or otherwise ingest it if I can possibly help it. And by possibly help it, I mean I will take fours of sleep and go into work like a zombie without having caffeine.

7. I have played Dark Age of Camelot for four years and am still playing it. I'd probably play it more often if I could find a good windowed size on my laptop.

8. The 'cold, highly polite, just-following-orders bad guy' seems to be a character archetype of mine. I indulge in him often.

Tagging dark_puck, matrixrefugee, vampirenaomi, seiberwing, shinyhappygoth, and raisedbymoogles. As per usual, I will not hunt you down and destroy you if you do the meme without getting tagged. ;-)

Oh, and VN? I think I figured out why no one can see your posts on their flist. Your sticky-dated entry on your journal is requiring you to backdate all of your other entries, right? Well, that means they don't go up on the flist. Me, I'd put the sticky-dated entry way at the back of your journal, then link to it from your link list.


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