
Apr 08, 2012 16:33

It didn't stop storming until sometime after I went to sleep Monday night. A wonderful, powerful storm with lashing rain and crashing thunder. I could see the flashes of lightning with my eyes closed ( Read more... )

real life

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beckyh2112 April 11 2012, 18:15:28 UTC
Thunderstorms are amazing. <3 I love just sitting in my room to listen to them. They make me want to snuggle up with my girlfriend and nibble on her hair.

It was! Big old turtle. <3


gigerisgod April 9 2012, 01:00:09 UTC
turtle! awww. i wonder if she came out to lay her eggs? here, sometimes the snapper turtles leave the lake to lay their eggs in the woods. they cross the roadway to make it back to the water.


beckyh2112 April 11 2012, 18:14:26 UTC
I do not know! Perhaps she did, in which case we may have a surprising set of guests in the lawn in a while! ^_^


usamichan13 April 9 2012, 02:22:29 UTC
D'awwww! That sounds pretty adorable. X3 I'm glad the turtle was okay, and it's kind of cool that she picked your yard to hang out during the storm.


beckyh2112 April 11 2012, 18:13:56 UTC
It was very cool. ^_^ I'm glad Dad brought her back to the canal himself rather than making her walk across the fairly busy road (at least during daylight) between our yard and the canal.


usamichan13 April 11 2012, 22:02:02 UTC
Yeah, that was really nice of your dad ^^

Now I just have this image of the turtle all snuggled in the towel before being brought back to the canal....so adorable! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ


take_the_good April 9 2012, 02:25:07 UTC
D'AWWWW I sort of wish you'd taken pictures (so I could selfishly squeal over them for hours) but that's awesome!


beckyh2112 April 11 2012, 18:12:34 UTC
I actually did wind up taking a couple of cellphone pictures and tweeted one. Not great, but there she is!


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