(no subject)

Apr 08, 2012 16:33

It didn't stop storming until sometime after I went to sleep Monday night. A wonderful, powerful storm with lashing rain and crashing thunder. I could see the flashes of lightning with my eyes closed.

While I was pulling on my shirt the next morning, I glanced into the backyard and thought, 'Huh. That rock is turtle-shell grey.' This was followed by, 'We don't keep large rocks in the backyard.'

Turns out a female softshell turtle about eighteen inches long and a foot wide had settled in the shady part of the yard. She had probably come in during the rains the previous night.

Dad picked her up in a towel and took her back to the canal. She seemed a bit grumpy about this, but he told me she happily dove down the bank to the water when he put her down again.

real life

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